Rich (Benson Security #5) - Janet Elizabeth Henderson Page 0,118

news, but all she felt was sad.

“We had lots of good times too,” Rachel said once Harvard took the water away. “I…was very fond of her.”

He brushed her hair off her face, his touch unerringly gentle. “You loved her, and that’s how it should have been. Even after everything that’s happened, it’s still okay to mourn the woman you cared about.”

“I’m…conflicted,” she confessed.

“Yeah, we all are. It’s normal.” He seemed to consider what to say next, and then in the gentlest voice, he asked, “Did she tell you why she did it?”

“She said a lot of things, but mainly, I think she saw me as competition. Samantha liked to be the center of attention, and I took that away from her. Apparently.” And then, because he was her Michael, she gave him the rest. “I don’t know how to behave now. I feel responsible and confused. And betrayed. How did my family take the news?”

He let out a sigh. “Charles blames you for Samantha’s death. He refuses to believe she was behind your attack or that she tried to kill you—despite the ton of evidence. Her brother’s devastated and locked up in his apartment. Sebastian’s keeping an eye on him now he’s back home. I like him, by the way. The rest of the family are mainly in shock.”

She started to nod, but the movement hurt her head. “What about the press?”

“Julia tapped into her Hollywood connections and helped us hire a PR company who controlled what story went out. As far as the world is concerned, there was an accident in your pool, and Samantha tragically died.”

“Good.” She closed her eyes. “How long was I unconscious?”

“A couple of days. Partly from the drug, but mostly from the concussion.” He caressed her cheek. “Not sure if the concussion was from Samantha smashing your face into the edge of the pool, or you throwing yourself down the stairs.”

Her eyes opened. “How do you know about either?”

“Scene assessment and forensics.” He smiled. “That and the huge lump on your head.” His smile faded. “Scared the life out of me when I couldn’t find you right away.”

“I knew you’d figure out where I was,” she whispered. “I only had to stay somewhere safe until you did.”

“Going by the calls to the cops about gunfire in your apartment, I was about five minutes behind you.” He rested his forehead against hers. “It was too long. I’m sorry, Rachel.”

“No.” She cupped his cheeks and pushed him back so she could look into those dark eyes of his. “You don’t take any blame for this. It’s all on her. You came for me. You were only minutes away. That’s the important part.”

“She could have killed you before I got there.”

“Seeing as she was trying to drown me, I’m sure you could have just done CPR and brought me back to life.”

“This isn’t funny.”

“I’m not being funny. I’m telling you that I had faith in you. I knew you’d come for me; there was no doubt in my mind.” She stroked his cheek with her thumb. “I knew you’d come, because you love me,” she whispered. “And I love you.”

His eyes sparkled with wicked amusement. “And it only took a near-death experience for you to tell me.”

“I’m regretting it already.” She pulled him down to kiss those full lips of his.

“Are we interrupting something?” her mother called out, obviously aware she was absolutely interrupting something.

Rachel shifted her head to look around Harvard. “Yes. Come back later.”

And, of course, her mother just carried on into the room. “Is that any way to speak to the mother who’s been worried sick about you?” She stepped around Harvard to embrace Rachel. “My baby,” she said. “I love you so much.”

Damn it. Now everybody was getting emotional. Rachel sniffed and swallowed hard as she patted her mother’s back in an attempt to reassure her.

“My turn,” she heard her father say. And then her mother moved aside to allow her dad to hug her tight instead. “I’m locking you up so that I never have to worry about your safety ever again,” he said fiercely. “That means no more working with Benson Security. No more trips to countries where you irritate members of a cartel. No more gun battles on airstrips. No more people out to get you from inside or outside the family. Do you hear me?”

“Yes, Father.” She kissed his cheek, and he stepped away, swiping at his eyes with the back of his hand. “Didn’t Jonathan tell you that Copyright 2016 - 2024