Rich (Benson Security #5) - Janet Elizabeth Henderson Page 0,106

but Elle had blown that. “Do vampires get married? Isn’t that illegal or something?”

“You’re so brave when you’re miles away,” Rachel drawled.

“So, who’s organizing your bachelorette party?” Megan carried on as though Rachel hadn’t said a word. “It’s me, isn’t it?”

“Over my dead body.”

“Perfect,” Megan said blithely. “And as for bridesmaid dresses, if you choose pink, I will hurt you.”

“It would clash with my hair,” Elle said helpfully.

“I suit pink,” Isobel said.

“I didn’t ask any of you to act as bridesmaids,” Rachel pointed out.

“Aw, it’s okay,” Megan said, sounding far too amused. “We wouldn’t embarrass you by making you ask. Just consider it a given. We’re more than happy to be part of your wedding. Aren’t we, girls?”

The idiots nodded.

“And,” Megan carried on, obviously enjoying herself, “Friday night get-togethers are still happening, as soon as I’m back in town and able to organize you lot. Which means you might want to warn Harvard. Because as long as you have the best apartment and a private pool, we’re meeting at your place.”

“I keep telling you,” Rachel said. “I don’t want to get together on Fridays. Or any other day. Why do you insist on harassing me like this?”

“It isn’t harassing,” Julia said softly, her eyes wide. “We’re making sure you have fun.”

“Friends don’t let friends sit alone on a Friday night.” Elle grinned at her.

“I’m not your friend,” she reminded them.

“No,” Megan said. “You’re our project. We figure if we pool our resources, we can turn you into a real human being—in a decade or two.”

“As delightful as this little chat is, it’s time for me to go do just about anything else.” Rachel gestured for them to move out of her way.

They didn’t.

“We realize you’re leaving Benson Security,” Megan said through the phone. “But we want you to know we’ll still be there for you. That’s what a girl crew’s all about. Ready, ladies?”

“Yes,” the three women called before enveloping Rachel in a group hug.

It was a nightmare. And she couldn’t even push them away because Isobel was pregnant and Julia bruised easily.

“I am going to kill you, Megan,” she promised through gritted teeth as the other women held her tight. “I’m going to take my gun and fill you with holes.”

“Not the way you shoot, you won’t.” With a laugh, the line went dead.

“Stop hugging me,” Rachel demanded, but of course, no one listened.

It was then Rachel began to wonder if her superpower of repelling people was faulty. Because a few years earlier, one withering look would have stopped this hug in its tracks.

“Girl power forever,” Isobel yelled.

“Dear Lord, save me from this hell,” Rachel prayed aloud.

Chapter Thirty

The entire TayFor complex was abuzz with speculation over the missing management staff. And an email sent out by the CEO did little to quash the gossip. In fact, it probably added to it, as it stated that Rachel had taken on a larger role to compensate for the sudden vacancies and that Harvard had been appointed as head of security, effective immediately.

Whether Harvard liked it or not, Rachel had just announced to the world—and her blackmailer—that she had no intention of heeding their demands.

“Does she want the arsewipe to go to the press with the photos?” Ryan asked from his position in Rachel’s outer office, where Harvard had told him to wait while he checked in with TayFor’s security team. “Because that’s exactly what’s going to happen. Hell, she’s practically daring them to do it. And how long do I have to play secretary to her highness?” He pointed at the pile of paperwork on the corner of the desk. “She’s making me do filing.”

Harvard checked his wristwatch. “Another hour and we’re done for the day. As your boss, I’m giving you permission to disappear early.”

“Thank fu—”

“Oh,” Samantha interrupted as she sailed into the room. “Does Rachel have two bodyguards now? Is she marrying you both?” She flashed a coy smile at Ryan. “She always did hoard all the goodies. Perhaps one of you could spend some time guarding this body instead?” She waved a hand down herself and, for a second, Harvard thought Ryan would start drooling.

“Is there something you wanted, Samantha?” Harvard asked.

“Yes.” Her smile was bright and very determined. “I’m taking Rachel to her appointment at the bridal boutique.”

“And that’s my cue to run.” Matching action to words, Ryan disappeared so fast you would have thought his ass was on fire.


There was the sound of a collision and apologies in the corridor before Rachel’s mother appeared in the Copyright 2016 - 2024