The Ribbon Weaver - By Rosie Goodwin Page 0,70

and a hush fell on the crowd as the lights began to dim. The drapes slowly parted revealing the actors all in position, ready to begin Act I, Scene I of Shakespeare’s Romeo and Juliet. The smell of gas lamps and greasepaint hung heavy on the air and Amy leaned forward in her seat, eager not to miss a single word. By the time the curtains swished together again for the interval, she could hardly contain herself. She applauded loudly then turned to the Forresters, her cheeks glowing. They were served with glasses of sparkling wine from a silver tray right there in their private box, and Amy felt like royalty.

Attractive young men glanced appreciatively her way, wishing that they had an excuse to approach her, but their interest was lost on her because she was too wrapped up in the pleasure of the moment to notice.

As soon as the second half of the play commenced she was once again lost in the story, and when it finally reached its tragic conclusion tears were shimmering on her lashes and she applauded until her hands ached.

Their carriage was waiting outside when they left the theatre but the magical night was not quite over yet, as Amy was soon to discover. Mr Forrester helped both ladies into their seats and after a muttered conversation with the driver he then climbed in to join them.

‘We are going on a little detour on the way home,’ he informed Amy. ‘I thought you might like to see Buckingham Palace, my dear.’

Amy gasped as her hand flew to the precious necklace about her throat. This was truly turning into a night that she would never forget. In what seemed like no time at all they were trotting along The Mall, and then there was the Palace sprawled out before them in all its splendour. She stared past the enormous gates and the guards in dumbfounded amazement. It was absolutely magnificent – and to think that Queen Victoria and Prince Albert might be within those very walls even now! It was almost more than she could comprehend as she was dazzled by the many gas lamps that illuminated the palace. The scene was like something out of a fairytale.

On the way home she could speak of nothing but the wondrous evening they had just spent and the Forresters looked on fondly as they listened to her excited chatter. They too had enjoyed the evening almost as much as Amy had, for her unspoiled nature made her a charming companion. When they arrived back at the house they invited her into the drawing room for a nightcap but Amy politely refused. She had already drunk far more than she was used to at the theatre and was feeling light-headed and gay. She was also eager to visit the old mistress in her suite of rooms and return the beautiful necklace that she had so kindly entrusted to her. So, after bidding them both good night and thanking them profusely for such a treat, she sped up the stairs to the first floor, where Maude Forrester slept. She tapped at the door lightly, not wishing to disturb her should she be asleep, but almost immediately the old woman’s voice answered, ‘Come in.’

After slipping through the door, Amy crossed to the enormous brass bed where the woman lay propped up on a mound of lace-trimmed pillows. Amy had never seen her before without her face being heavily made-up, and now as she saw her stripped of her paint and powder and her flamboyant wig, she was shocked at how fragile the old woman looked. Her scalp showed through her sparse grey hair and she seemed to be lost in the sheets. She looked incredibly frail and ancient, but her face softened at the sight of Amy and laying aside a book that she had been reading she tapped the side of the bed.

‘Did you enjoy it then?’ she asked, although she already knew the answer from the look on Amy’s face.

‘Oh, Mrs Forrester … it was so amazing! But I wish that you had come.’ Amy was fumbling with the clasp of the necklace and after managing to undo it she placed it gently into the woman’s hands.

‘Thank you so much for allowing me to wear this,’ she said gratefully, and before the old woman could reply she began to tell her all about the play and the unforgettable evening she had just spent.

When she eventually crept from the room Copyright 2016 - 2024