Revolver Road - Christi Daugherty Page 0,28

and he hates being told no,” Cara explained. “Xavier and he tend to end up fighting because Stu pushes him until Zay just snaps.”

“Is that why you think he might have run away? He snapped?” Harper asked.

Neither of them answered. Hunter focused his attention on his cigarette.

“Have you thought any more about where he might have gone?” Harper tried again.

It was Cara who replied quietly, “He wouldn’t stay away for so long without calling us. He should be in touch by now. He should be home.”

In the distance, Harper heard the faint sound of a doorbell. Cara and Hunter both stiffened.

“Christ. Not again,” Hunter groaned. Raising his voice, he shouted, “Don’t answer it, Legs.”

“We put up a sign saying not to ring the bell,” Cara told Harper. “But they just keep ringing it.”

“Why won’t they take a hint…” Hunter’s voice trailed off and he stared at the door, his body stiffening.

Harper turned to see Allegra emerging from inside the house, her face suddenly serious. Detectives Julie Daltrey and Luke Walker were right behind her.

Daltrey was small, only a few inches taller than Allegra, but she carried seven feet of authority. Her black hair was pulled back, her face tense as she took in the occupants of the veranda. When she spotted Harper, her eyes widened in surprise.

Luke frowned at her, and quickly turned away.

Allegra hurried to the sofa and leaned against Cara as if seeking warmth. “They’re detectives,” she said, her voice barely above a whisper.

Hunter looked at Harper as if she would explain, but she knew better than to speak right now.

Daltrey stopped at the edge of the circle of chairs. “My name is Julie Daltrey. This is Luke Walker. We’re with the Savannah Police Department.” She glanced around the group. “I’m guessing you’re Cara Brand, and you must be Hunter.”

Hunter’s foot had begun to jitter. His hands white-knuckled the arms of the chair.

Daltrey turned her attention to Harper. “Perhaps you should leave now, McClain.”

There was no point in arguing. She started to stand but Hunter stopped her. “We want her here.” His voice was firm.

“This is private information,” Daltrey argued, but Hunter shook his head stubbornly.

“Talk to all of us.”

The other two nodded their agreement.

With obvious reluctance, Daltrey gave in. She motioned for Luke to take over.

“I’m afraid we don’t have good news.” He stepped closer to them, his voice somber. “A body was found this afternoon by a fishing boat off the coast. I’m sorry to tell you, we believe it’s Xavier Rayne.”


The night descended into chaos.

“It’s not true,” Allegra kept saying, looking plaintively from Cara to Hunter. “It’s not true.”

Hunter stood, knocking the guitar over. It hit the floor with a crash as he rounded on the two detectives, his face red, every muscle tense with shock. “How do you know it’s him?”

Cara was the only one who didn’t speak. She stared at Luke, as pale and still as a church statue.

“His mother is on her way now from Atlanta to identify the body.” Daltrey’s voice was steady. “But based on the pictures and descriptions we’ve received of markings and tattoos, we are confident.”

Cara gave a low moan.

Deprived of more objections, Hunter fell silent, his expression suddenly empty.

Allegra appealed to Harper, her huge eyes swimming with tears. “How is this happening?”

All Harper could think of to say was, “I’m very sorry.”

Jumping to her feet, Cara shoved past the detectives and fled into the house, her filmy white top floating behind her like wings.

Abandoned, Allegra ran to Hunter. He pulled her into his arms, holding her like a child. Harper heard her say something that sounded like, “I’m so scared.”

She wanted out of here. Watching them go through this was excruciating. They’d invited her in to talk, not to watch their lives shatter into a million jagged pieces.

As if he were thinking the same thing, Luke stepped closer and spoke to her, his voice low. “Come with me.”

Relieved, she hurried after him through the double glass doors into the hallway.

The house still looked as magical and perfect as it had that first day, but the feel of the place was already changing. A solemn chill permeated the huge, bohemian rooms.

“You need to go.” Luke’s voice was low but firm. “Right now.”

Harper ignored that. “You knew this afternoon, didn’t you?” she whispered accusingly as she hurried to keep up with him. “That’s where Daltrey was when I saw you. She was with the coroner.”

They’d reached the front door. He turned back to face her. “You know I couldn’t Copyright 2016 - 2024