Revealing the Monster (Playing with Monsters #4) - Amelia Hutchins Page 0,86

while I took in her features.

“Hello, Makenna. Your momma would have loved you so much. You’re perfect, aren’t you, sweetling? You are loved and missed by—me.” I swallowed down the realization that no one else lived to miss her or see how truly beautiful she’d turned out. Her hair was our rich, caramel color, framing wide, curious turquoise eyes that reminded me of the sea after a storm had passed.

Time went by, but I couldn’t look away from her. I felt at a loss for words and what I could offer her. Lucifer loved her. He would fight to protect her, even from me. Makenna peered back at me, her inquisitive stare holding mine while I ran my fingers through her wispy curls.

“You love her unconditionally, don’t you?” I asked, lifting my gaze to lock with his.

“Absolutely, without question,” he stated, smiling at her while she cooed. “She likes you, Lena. She lets no one else hold her, not without screaming her displeasure to the heavens. I had thought about changing her name, but it is something her mother gave her. I think she will like that about it, don’t you?”

“I do,” I admitted, wondering if I was going insane or if the Devil actually loved his child. “Is she your first?” I asked, curiously.

“That I know of, yes. More often than not, I don’t stick around to find out if I’ve fathered a child. If they’re mine, their mother doesn’t survive long enough to ask for help with them, either. To be honest, I wasn’t certain I’d be able to create life after my father had finished with me. I knew the cost Kendra would pay for it, but I didn’t know you at the time, Lena. I’m not sorry for creating Makenna; I can’t be. She’s too perfect to regret.”

“She is perfect,” I admitted, watching her with a tightening in my chest that physically ached.

I lowered my lips to her forehead, feeling the heat coming from her. Makenna was a Nephilim, and they were dangerous creatures. Could I protect her? I couldn’t even escape the apartment where Lucian held me locked away, not that I’d really tried yet. Luc was a protective father. He was attached to Makenna, which was visible by the way he watched over her and cared for her.

I held her out for Lucifer to take her back, noticing how his eyes lifted to hold mine. I smiled tightly, noting his narrowing gaze as if he thought I was rejecting her. Something changed in his posture, and I shook my head, knowing he was assuming wrong.

“I miss my child, too, Luc,” I whispered brokenly, and he nodded his head in realization as he retrieved Makenna from me.

“For what it’s worth, Lena, I am sorry. Grief and rage had fueled my actions. Katarina had a plan that seemed like a good idea to make Lucian pay for what he’d done to us. I hope you understand that I regret my part in it now that I know you. Makenna wasn’t a part of this fight, so when Lucian comes for me, remember her. Eventually, this will spiral out of control, and she’s innocent.” He leaned closer to me, brushing his lips against my forehead as the room started spinning around me.

I appeared back inside the bedroom, lifting my gaze to the darkened corner. I found Lucian sitting in the shadows, studying me as a deep growl escaped him. Leaning forward into the light, he steepled his hands in front of his mouth. His posture was rigid and deadly, and his eyes burned with anger.

“Did he hurt you?” he asked softly.

“No, but he allowed me to hold Makenna. He loves her, Lucian.”

“Lucifer doesn’t care about anything or anyone except himself.” He stood to remove his suit jacket, slowly folding it to set it aside. “Be careful with him, Lena. He may have been an angel, but he’s long since abandoned any decency he once held. I’m going to shower, and you will join me. I intend to rest without smelling him on your skin, let alone knowing you allowed him to taste your tears. Come, I enjoy my showers with you more than I do alone.”

Chapter Twenty-One

To be hurt by those who love us is a lesson. We should learn from it and seek more. Those who love us teach us the hardest lessons. But to never learn from them would be a tragedy. ~Lena

Soft music played inside the bedroom, drifting into the steam-filled bathroom. Lucian washed Copyright 2016 - 2024