Revealing the Monster (Playing with Monsters #4) - Amelia Hutchins Page 0,28

I expect him to come in and wreck the place to get you back?”

“No, he knows I am out and where I am,” I assured, even though I hadn’t actually asked permission. I told him my plans, but he’d laughed and walked away. “Hey, it isn’t my fault. I said I was going to speak with Alden, then to find the monster we’ve been hunting.” I didn’t dare whisper Spyder’s name yet, not until I’d finished my drink to hunt him down.

He chuckled, shaking his head, causing his hair to brush over his shoulder blades. I turned, facing the people moving around the bar. It had grown since the last time I’d been in, expanding to be a full nightclub. Magic had been used to increase the space and to fortify it against demons and other enemies.

The floor below us was used for feeding, based on whatever clientele Vlad allowed down there. Lucian had explained how Vlad brought in people who fed off humans, pointing them toward the patrons into that sort of thing. Below the feeding portion of the establishment were rooms Vlad had been using to give creatures safe harbor against the more dangerous monsters currently taking over the city.

“So, what really brings you in tonight? I don’t assume you came here to see me, pretty girl.”

I chuckled, turning to smile at him. “You could charm a chastity belt off of a nun, Vlad. But you’re right. I didn’t come just to visit. I am looking for Spyder. I heard from a source that he was here, helping you.”

Lifting the glass to my lips, I watched him over the rim as he smirked, studying me. “He’s here, down a level. You’re aware of what happens down there, aren’t you?” he asked pointedly, lifting a brow in silent challenge. “He’s assisting some people right now.”

“He hasn’t checked in with us for over a week.”

“He’s a big boy, and old enough to know what he wants, Lena.” Vlad nodded at someone over my shoulder, turning to grab a bottle from the highest shelf. I studied how he moved, gliding across the bar to retrieve a large glass, pouring crimson into it. “Spyder’s in the room at the furthest end of the hall. Don’t say I didn’t warn you. What is happening inside is consensual, and they are paying customers that asked for him specifically.”

Heat pooled in my center. Shaking it off, I rose to my feet, downing the drink. Vlad shook his head when I reached into my pocket, smirking. A woman walked up, leaning over the counter, which exposed her breasts. Her hand touched Vlad’s, and she nodded her head in silent thanks. Picking up the goblet of blood, she tipped it back, turning to stare at me. Pulling the glass away from her mouth, she smiled, revealing wicked-looking fangs.

“She’s pretty, Vlad. Is she on the menu? I’d like to taste her,” the woman stated, her tone multi-layered as she moved closer, brushing her fingers over my cheek. “I’d like to do a lot more than taste her blood, too.”

The furies within me screamed at her touch. I saw my eyes turn black in the reflection of her blue gaze. Her hand dropped, and she stepped back as a cold smile played on my lips. Yet she wasn’t scared of me, even though any sane person would have run at the sight of my face turning from pretty to grim reaper within seconds.

“I’m intrigued,” she whispered. “What are you, darling?”

“She’s a fury and off-limits, Selina. She belongs to Lucian Blackstone,” Vlad announced loud enough that at the mention of Lucian’s name, the people within earshot peered up from their conversations to look at me. I tilted my head as the blood drained from the vampire’s already pale complexion.

“I didn’t know she was his. You must tell Lucian that I had no idea you were his property,” she whispered, bowing her head. “I beg of you.”

“No harm was caused, Selina.” I grinned smugly as she turned, moving away from me without a backward glance.

Dismissing Selina and the eyes of those gawking at me with curiosity, I left the bar. I walked to the staircase leading down into the feeder section while others watched, whispering as I passed them. Then my attention shifted to the stage where Adrian sat, smiling, observing me slip away. As I’d neared the stairs to the lower level, Adrian appeared before me. Leaning against the wall, he dropped his head forward, studying me.

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