Revealing Annie - Freya Barker Page 0,95

the front door and Bryce is already out of his seat belt.

“Have a good day, honey.”

His lanky body leans over the center console as he reaches over to kiss my cheek.

“Later, Annie.”

He throws me that grin I’m sure will have most of the schoolgirls melting and jumps out on the curb. I sit for a minute to watch him saunter all cool and casual to the front door. From there he flips me a peace sign before darting inside.

I drive to my appointment up the mountain with a smile on my face.

Autumn is already waiting for me with the contractor.

She and I finally connected at Erin’s urging, and I was kicking myself I hadn’t done so earlier. I’ve only known her for two months, but we’ve bonded quickly over our similar histories with stalkers. That, and she’s hilariously forthright and unapologetic. Other than Erin, she’s the only one I’ve told about my plans, mainly because I discovered this beautiful piece of land is smack dab beside her and Keith’s.

I’d been doing a little snooping and found which one was Kyle’s real estate agent. I contacted him, told him what I was looking for and was beside myself to find out the same property he’d set his sights on last year was still on the market.

God’s country. I can see why he loves this so much. From the road, the property slants up in the front, but when you get to the top, the view of the valley below is breathtaking. Very similar to the view from Autumn and Keith’s back deck.

“Annie, this is Jed Mason,” Autumn introduces us. “Jed, meet Annie Flowers.”

“Good to meet you, Annie.”


“Gorgeous piece of land you’ve got yourself.”

“Thank you. Autumn tells me you live up here too?”

“About a mile and a half up the main road,” he confirms. “So did you bring the drawings?”

“Oh, hang on, let me grab them.”

I jog back to the Volvo and open the back door. I’d hidden them under my seat. I’m not ready to spring my surprise just yet. Ideally I’d like ground to be broken before I tell Kyle, that way he won’t have to wait too long for the finished product.

“You say these were done with this property in mind?”

“As far as I know, yes.”

“Okay, let’s take a walk.”

An hour later Autumn and I watch as Jed drives off, taking the drawings with him so he can prepare me a quote.

“I can’t believe you’re doing this.”

A sudden wave of nausea overwhelms me and I bend over, holding onto my knees. Autumn places a hand on my back.

“I can’t either,” I admit. “It seemed like such a good idea when I bought the land, but now it feels like I’m stealing his dream.”

“Nonsense. You’re giving him his dream, but I’m thinking maybe instead of waiting, you should tell him now. Think about it, maybe he’d planned on doing some of the work himself. It’s a guy thing. Keith built most of our house with his own hands and it’s a matter of pride for him. Guys like to be in on the construction part. Once it comes to decorating, he’ll probably be happy to leave it in your capable hands.”

Shit. I didn’t think about that. I thought I was being so clever, using his own words against him when he refused my money but would allow gifts. Goes to show how limited my experience is with relationships.

“Don’t look so dejected.” Autumn nudges me with a chuckle. “I’m sure you’ll find a creative way to tell him.”

That thought haunted me all the way home.


I’m pissed.

I thought these bloodsuckers were done, but apparently not.

The first two weeks after Annie’s interview was published, the odd reporter would show up outside our house, looking for a sound bite. I’m not sure how they found out where we lived, but I guess word travels. After that things had died down, until Hog tossed one of those gossip rags at me while we were having breakfast at the diner this morning.

On the front page was a small inset picture with the caption,

A real-life hero for Annabel

It was a picture of me doing CPR on an elderly woman my team had just pulled out of a burning apartment just up the road from the station about two weeks ago.

I never noticed anyone taking pictures. I’m pissed because that woman didn’t make it and now her family had to potentially be confronted with that image in the checkout lane at the grocery store.

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