Revealing Annie - Freya Barker Page 0,92

Arrow’s Edge.

Hopefully with this order he can join them next week.

Twenty minutes later I walk out of Mel’s office, my John Hancock on the agreement with Miles, which I hope will be the last time I need to hear or see his name. I wish I could say I’ve left that life behind, but the reality is there will always be someone who recognizes me.

Kyle and I talked about it, and instead of trying to duck and dodge the media indefinitely, I’ll be doing one interview with a reputable publication. It’ll probably result in a bit of a stir for a little while, but after that the press will hopefully forget about me.

The dogs almost take me down when I walk in the door, bags of groceries in my hands. They’re always like this when we come home, acting like we’ve been gone for weeks instead of an hour, and constantly battling for attention.

“Hey, bud.”

I can just see Bryce’s hair stick up over the back of the couch. The kid’s going to need a haircut before he starts school.

We started leaving him alone at home for short periods of time. I’d been a little uneasy at first, but Kyle reminded me Bryce is fourteen and was used to being left alone much longer than that before he came here. He said it would be good to show him we trust him.

“Hey, Annie.”

“What are you up to?” I ask, as I head straight for the kitchen, dropping my load on the counter.

Bryce follows me into the kitchen, managing his crutches as if he’s done nothing else his whole life.

“I was reading…” Since that first time to the library we’ve been back three times already. He goes through books like hot cakes, another thing I’ve come to love about this kid; his quiet yet voracious curiosity. “…but now I’m hungry.”

I chuckle as he dives into the bags. We have a hard time keeping the fridge stocked against his appetite.

“Instead of just digging around for something to eat, why don’t you unpack them so I can put some of that away first?”

Everything is tidied away a few minutes later, and Bryce sits at the island, scarfing down one of the pizza buns I brought home for him, when the doorbell rings.

“You finish, I’ll get it,” I tell Bryce when he starts to get up.

I’ve never seen the woman standing on the doorstep, but I know instinctively who she is.

“Who are you?” she has the gall to snap at me, trying to look over my shoulder into the house.

I step outside, forcing her back as I pull the door almost shut before Bryce hears, not quite latching it.

“Look,” I tell the gaunt-looking, slightly disheveled woman in front of me. “You rang my doorbell, so why don’t you tell me who you are first?”

I get a defiant look and an arrogant tilt of her chin.

“I’m here to pick up my son.”

“Ah, Chanel, is it? Well, I’m afraid you’ll have to contact Bryce’s father first. Kyle is at work, so he may be difficult to reach, but I can tell him you stopped by.”

I can see the steam gathering. I’m guessing this isn’t how she imagined this would go.

“Is Bryce in there?” She tries to crowd me out of the way and when I don’t budge, she yells over my shoulder, “Bryce!”

“You need to leave now.” I square my shoulders and try to make myself look bigger than my lean five foot four.

“Like hell I will. I’m not leaving my son with you, bitch,” she spits. “You have no right to keep him.” She leans in my face. “If you don’t move, I’ll fucking move you myself. Bryce! Get your ass out here!”

She hauls back and I’m not quite fast enough to duck my head out of the way. Her fist hits the side of my face just as the door behind me is yanked open.

“Get out of here.” Bryce’s voice is soft, but the low growl from the dogs makes it sound menacing as he pulls me inside and behind him.

“Baby…” her face softens for her son.

“No,” he barks. “You don’t get to do this anymore. I already called Dad and he’s calling the police. You need to leave.”


I watch as her face crumples and I actually feel sorry for her when he slams the door in her face. His cheeks are flushed and his eyes shiny. His mother is still yelling on the doorstep.

“I’m so sorry, honey.”

He gives his head a shake. “Are you Copyright 2016 - 2024