Revealing Annie - Freya Barker Page 0,75

catch snippets of what he says, but when he starts talking about this perfect comeback part in what is supposed to be a great new project he’s sure he can secure me, I cut him off.

“I’m done, Miles. I was tired of it years ago. I’m calling to let you know I want to make arrangements to ship whatever is in storage here.”

He laughs like I said something funny, but I’m dead serious.

“You can’t mean that. I can have you back on top in no time.”

Now it’s my turn to laugh.

“Newsflash, Miles. I was never on top of anything, and I’m fine with that. I had a good run, but I’m done. Done with this industry, done with this stalker, and frankly I’m done with you. I just wanted to give you a heads-up I’m moving on to bigger and better things.”

“In Durango, Colorado?” he scoffs.

“Miles,” I try for a soothing tone, “I want to dissolve our professional relationship as amicably and equitably as possible, but if that isn’t possible I can have my lawyer set the necessary steps in motion.”

I don’t tell him the lawyer I’m referring to isn’t really mine, and specializes in family law. I’d love to see ballbuster Mel Morgan go a few rounds with Miles. I’m pretty sure she’d rip him to shreds.

He concedes reluctantly after that, asking to give him some time so he can make arrangements.

“That’s not a problem,” I agree. “Just let me know when—”

I don’t get to finish my sentence because he’s already hung up.

Still, I feel a lot lighter when I bring my glass to the kitchen and let the dog out back for a quick pee. Then I make sure the house is locked up and the alarm set for the night, and I head up to bed.


Kyle walks in; looking a little the worse for wear, as I’m sliding some cheese biscuits in the oven.

“Hey, honey.” I smile and walk up to him, slipping my arms around his neck. “How was your first shift back?”

He bends his head and his lips meet mine for a brief kiss.

“It was okay. Bryce is still in bed?”

“Yeah. He crashed after watching The Goonies with me.”

That earns me a grin, thank God, I was starting to worry. Still, he looks worn and he didn’t exactly answer my question.

“There’s fresh coffee if you like. Biscuits will take ten minutes, and how about I whip up some bacon and eggs to go with that?” I suggest.


I try my luck again when we’re sitting at the island eating breakfast.

“Did something happen, Kyle?”

He runs a hand over his face and sighs deeply.

“My first patient today was an eleven-year-old boy who was near comatose by the time we got him to the hospital.”

“What happened?” I ask softly.

“Skateboarding accident. He wasn’t wearing a helmet.”

I sharply suck air in through my teeth.

“Oh, no. I can’t imagine how tough that must be.”

I reach out to touch him but he abruptly gets up and takes the dishes to the sink. I try not to let it sting.

“I’m beat. Gonna grab some sleep. I’ll make sure I’m up to take Bryce up the mountain.”

“No need. I’ll take him, you sleep.”

He doesn’t argue, just nods, walks right past me, and heads up the stairs.

Clearly not a good time for a heart-to-heart, I’ll have to save it until later.


I haven’t moved since I heard her come back a few minutes ago.

It had been so tempting to let her comfort me earlier, but if I allowed myself to get used to that, it would only be harder when she eventually goes back to California. I do feel guilty not waiting up so I could see Bryce before he leaves, but I’ll see him later this afternoon and tonight.

I turn my head and look at my alarm. Eleven thirty. If I want to get a good night’s rest in tonight, I’d better get up. I swing my legs out of bed and grab my phone off the charger on the nightstand. First I need to know.

“Mercy emergency.”

I recognize the voice.

“Melanie, it’s Sumo. Looking for an update on Jake, the young kid with head trauma we brought in yesterday. Skateboarding incident.”

“Hang on,” she says, and I hear the clicking of fingers on a keyboard. “Depressed skull fracture of the occipital bone. The brain was swelling so they took him into surgery overnight to relieve the pressure. He’s in the ICU.”


“No problem. Always tough with kids, isn’t it?”


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