Revealing Annie - Freya Barker Page 0,70

of routine, the better it is.

“That’s the plan.”

“It’ll be good to have you back, Sumo.”


I hang up and walk to the stairs to check on my son first, when the sound of subdued voices drifts down. They’re talking and I don’t want to disturb them. I don’t care if he opens up to Annie before he does me, as long as he feels safe enough to talk.

Back in the kitchen I transfer the lawyer’s name and number to my phone and dial.

“Mel Morgan.”

Cap’s sister-in-law sounds curt and to the point.

I introduce myself and mention Cap is my boss.

“You have my condolences,” she snaps, and I get the sense there isn’t much love lost between the two. I’m not sure how to answer to that so I stay silent. “What can I do for you?”

It takes me almost half an hour to fill her in from the very first phone call last year to the one today.

“The boy’s with you?”


“Good. He settling in?”

“Seems to be. He’s making some friends, is doing some kind of summer mechanics’ program up at the Arrow’s Edge garage and appears to be enjoying it.”

“Good. What you have got planned for school come August?”

Fuck. That’s only weeks away and I haven’t even given it thought.

“Looking into it.”

“Mmm,” she hums. “We’d better get on that fast. Do you have any documentation?”

“She put him on the plane with a birth certificate and a consent letter. Oh, and I also have the results of a paternity test I insisted on.”

“Thank God for that, it’ll make the first steps a lot easier. And while you’re at it, take him to see a doctor for a full work up.”


“Make copies of all the paperwork you have, get it to my office tomorrow, along with a check for my three-thousand-dollar retainer. Or you can give me your credit card now.”

She sounds like a ballbuster, which is perfect. I don’t need some bleeding heart to hold my hand; I need someone who can get the job done.

I pull my wallet from my pocket and fish out my credit card, reading off the number.

“So what’s next?” I want to know.

“As soon as I have the documents I’ll file for temporary custody. Any idea where I can find the mother?”

“Last I know she was in Boise, Idaho, but she could’ve called from anywhere.”

“You’re a firefighter like my no-good brother-in-law?”

“EMT, but I’m on his crew.”

“Good, you got any buddies in the force? I can hire a private investigator, but that’s gonna be extra money. See if you know someone who could help find her.”

“I’ll ask around.”

“Right. This the number to reach you?”

“It is.”

“Then I’m set for now. You get that stuff to me, I’ll get the ball rolling, and I’ll be in touch.”

She doesn’t even say goodbye; she just hangs up.

The impotent rage I felt earlier is mostly just anger—and much easier to check—now that I’ve taken some progressive steps.

“Kyle?” I hear Annie call down the stairs, and I tuck my phone in my pocket as I make my way over.

“Everything okay?” I ask when I see her at the top of the stairs.

“Yeah. Wanna come up here for a sec?” She leans close when I get to the top. “Be sure when you say yes,” she whispers before leading me into Bryce’s room.

The sight of my boy with his knees drawn up to his chest, back against the headboard of his bed, and his face wet with tears, has my heart squeeze in my chest.

“You okay, Son?” I ask as I approach, sitting on the edge of the mattress.

He nods. “Are you gonna send me back?”

“Not a chance in hell.”

His face registers surprise.

“Then can I stay here?”

I reach out and cup my hand behind his neck, my face inches from his.

“You bet. We still have a lot of things to find out about each other, but I already know I love you.”

His lip trembles when he nods, and I have to blink myself.

“Now, what do you say we finish up that monkey bread?”

Immediately a watery grin breaks through and he climbs off the bed and darts out the door. I look over at Annie, who’s waving a hand in front of her eyes, blinking away tears.

“That was perfect,” she says, putting her hand in mine.

We’re halfway down the stairs when my phone rings again. This time it’s Tony.

“Can I call you back?” I ask, but his answer is not what I expected.

“We’ve got him. We arrested Will Parsons.”



I feel like a child behind the wheel of Copyright 2016 - 2024