Revealing Annie - Freya Barker Page 0,65

should’ve done right away. I’ll give him a call when we get home and sort out insurance.

“An actress, dipstick,” Hattie answers, giving him the pointy side of her elbow. She turns to me. “Mind you, I’ve only seen your show a few times, but I read the National Enquirer religiously and I love awards shows.”

She gives me an eyebrow wiggle.

Oh boy. I’m trying to remember some of the stuff that was said about me in the gossip rags over the years. There wasn’t much, but I distinctly recall an article about me having an affair with Jason Bateman about ten years ago. A total fabrication, because Jason was happily married with kids, but we happened to be seated side by side at a fundraiser when someone snapped a few pictures and voila, a story was born.

“Don’t believe all you read,” I warn her. “And no; at no time did I sleep with Jason Bateman.”

I also remember how excited Miles had been to see the article and was disappointed when I refused to capitalize on that lie.

“How come I’ve never seen you in anything?” Edward wants to know, but before I can answer Hattie is on the case.

“Because you only watch John Wayne movies, you old geezer. She wasn’t but a blink in her daddy’s eye back then.”

“Blackfoot,” I hear Kyle say beside me, and I look over to see Keith walking this way.

“Folks,” he says when he approaches. The man is large and intimidating to look at, but he’s been very kind and sensitive with me.

“Hey, Keith.”

His eyes come to me.

“How are you holding up?”

“I’m okay,” I tell him honestly.

“The fire inspector says he’s almost done and then you can go through if you want, although I’m afraid there isn’t a lot salvageable.”

“I figured. I didn’t have much that can’t be replaced, though.”

There wasn’t. A few odds and ends that I bought over the last year, but most of the stuff that has sentimental value is locked safely in a storage unit back in LA. Any pictures I had up—and there weren’t very many—I have digital copies of on my Cloud.

Keith nods and then says, scanning our small group, “Can I borrow you for a sec?”


I get up and start following him into the street when I notice Kyle getting up too. I send him a little smile, glad for the support. The detective shoots him a brief look but doesn’t hesitate to cut to the chase.

“Preliminary conclusion from the inspector is arson, not that it’s a surprise.” The thought this might be accidental never even entered my mind. I immediately had assumed it was deliberate. “Unfortunately, despite it being the middle of the day there were no witnesses.”

“So he must’ve approached from the river side,” Kyle volunteers.

“Looks like,” Keith agrees. “Now, Ramirez is back at the station trying to get a bead on Parsons. I asked around here to see if anyone had seen him recently, but no one has in the past few days. We’ll continue to follow that lead.”

“What about my agent?” At his raised eyebrow I clarify, “I’m aware of the LA police report.”

“I see. Well, he’s not an easy person to get ahold of. I left a few messages and am hoping someone in his office will get back to me. Otherwise, we’ll have to call in a favor from the LAPD to head over there.”

“What about the note and the evidence from the trailer? Any luck there?”

Keith turns to Kyle. “Nothing yet but DNA can take a while, depending on how busy the lab is.”

His statement startles me and I’m almost afraid to ask.


I can see the oh-shit moment stamped all over the detective’s face before he drops his eyes to the tips of his boots.

“We found some biological evidence in your trailer, as well as on the note.”

“What biological evidence?” I ask, even though I don’t want to hear the answer. I’m afraid I can guess and it has bile surging up my esophagus.

“We found semen on your bedspread and some was dried up on the note left at Sumo’s place as well.”

Air explodes from my lungs like I’ve been punched in the gut. Beside me Kyle lets out a string of loud curse words, and I barely register the detective firmly cautioning him. My mind is trying to visualize my bedspread, and I only now realize it must have been missing the last time I was here picking up some clothes. I hadn’t even noticed.

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