Revealing Annie - Freya Barker Page 0,5

name is Esme? So pretty.”

“Yup. Well, she was at the bakery last week when her partner walked up.”

Erin starts laughing. “The one who looks like a younger version of Russell Wong?” Okay, so I may have brought him up in conversation before. “The same guy you’ve been ogling from afar?”

“Yup,” I confirm, popping the P.


“He’s as hot up close as he is at a distance, but I think he’s a little too smooth.”

“No, don’t tell me that. I had hopes for you.”

I snort. “Please…I’m pretty sure he’s the kind of guy who would flirt with your grandmother.”

“I bet if you let some of the real you shine through, you’d—”

“Erin, you know I can’t be that person anymore.”

“Let me talk to Conor, I told you he has friends who could help. Heck, the reason I suggested Durango is because my friend, Autumn, is married to a detective.”

“Not getting anyone involved, Erin.” I stop myself from blurting out that the last person who tried is currently buried at the Murietta Valley Cemetery. “Please promise me.”

She scowls at me but I hold firm.

“Oh, fine, but if anything happens…”

“Nothing will happen, no one knows I’m here. No one would suspect a thing, not with the life I’m leading or the way I look now.”

She rolls her eyes. “Just promise me you’ll get in touch with Autumn if anything happens. You still have her number, right?”

“Yes, and I promise.”

We spend ten minutes chatting, when my eye catches the bags on the kitchen counter.

“I should get back to sorting my groceries before my neighbor comes looking for the pound cake I promised him.”

“All right, I’ll let you go. Talk again in a few weeks?”

“For sure.”

As soon as we hang up, I unpack the bags, putting aside what I picked up for Edward. By the time I step outside to drop off his groceries, he’s already coming up my path, walking with difficulty. I was going to grab a yoga class, but I think I’ll be giving Blossom her daily exercise instead.

“I’m sorry it took me a bit, I was on the phone.”

He grumbles something I can’t quite make out and holds out his hand for the bag.

“Nah,” I wave him off. “I’ve got it. I’ll walk you back. Was gonna pick up Blossom for a bit of exercise anyway, if you don’t mind.”

I know he has a hard time asking so I try to spare him when I notice he’s having an off day. Much easier for him to accept.

“If you must.”

I bite off a chuckle at his response. He’d rather cut off his tongue than say something nice, but I note he doesn’t pull away when I take his arm to help him back to his trailer.

“Are you good for dinner?” I ask, as I clip the leash on Blossom’s collar.

Poor dog is barely able to wag her tail she’s so fat. Maybe I should take her daily whether Edward is able to or not, she clearly needs more exercise than she’s getting.

“Got Salisbury steak on the menu,” he shares, as he takes a seat on the small deck at his front door.

I try not to cringe, knowing he’s talking about the Hungry Man frozen meals I sometimes get for him.

“I can pop it in for you when I get back with Blossom.”

The old girl takes her time coming down the steps.

“I know how to operate a microwave, missy. I may be rickety but I ain’t feeble-minded.”

“Have it your way,” I fire off over my shoulder, heading for the trail along the river.

It’s pretty. So close to downtown and yet there’s hardly any traffic noise. I’m glad I took Erin’s advice and came here when I mentioned looking for a place to hide out. It’s freezing cold in the winters and I’m not really used to the snow, but I got through my first one and now I’m enjoying the much warmer weather.

Blossom is slow as a turtle, sniffing every blade of grass. We barely make it to Oxbow Park when she plops down on her substantial ass, announcing this is as far as she’ll go.

“Come on, girl. How about we try a little farther, just to that bench there,” I coax, but she refuses to move. Only when I take a step in the direction of the trailer park, does she budge. As stubborn as her owner.

Heading back the going is even slower and I’m tempted to pick her up and carry her the rest of the way, but I have a sneaky suspicion Copyright 2016 - 2024