Revealing Annie - Freya Barker Page 0,45

my bedroom. I quickly change into jeans and a clean shirt before grabbing the duffel bag I arrived in Durango with from the bottom of the small closet. I haphazardly toss a few things in, grab my toiletries from the bathroom, and within minutes am locking the door behind me again.

There’s no sign of Sumo, but Edward is watching me as I approach him.

“I’m sorry I didn’t let you know,” I tell him when I’m close enough. “Things have been a little crazy.”

“That’s one way of puttin’ it,” he comments dryly.

“Look, I think maybe someone was in my —”

“Your boyfriend already asked if I seen someone hangin’ around,” he interrupts. “I haven’t, but I’ll keep a closer look.”

Before I can caution him Sumo returns with Blossom, who lets me know how happy she is to see me. I feel guilty.

“And you don’t have to worry ‘bout my Blossom either,” Edward goes on to say. “I’m startin’ to feel better and Hattie said she’d be willin’ to walk her if I stop moaning about food.”

I’m thinking that’s big; both Hattie taking the dog she claims not to like, and Edward promising to stop complaining.

“No shit?” I can’t help blurt out, which earns me a grunt and a glare from my neighbor.

A few minutes later, we’re on our way to the police station to meet with Sumo’s buddy, Tony, and Tony’s partner, Keith Blackfoot, who also happens to be the husband of Erin’s friend, Autumn. I know I probably should’ve called Erin, let her know what’s going on before she hears it from someone else. I’ll have to call her as soon as we’re done at the station. I’m too jittery now.

Sumo reaches over and pats my knee.

“I can feel the tension coming off you. Relax.”

“I can’t. What if they don’t believe me?”

“Stop worrying. They will.”

Easier said than done. I’m ready to argue but think better of it; I’d probably be wasting my time anyway.

Better brace for what I’m sure will be a fruitless meeting.

They always are.


“We’re gonna need your keys.”

Annie stares open-mouthed at Keith.


“Because I want to have a look around your trailer, see if there are any signs of forced entry, and try to get some fingerprints from your kitchen.”

She seems to struggle with the concept people are taking her at her word, and I wonder what the hell was wrong with the people in her life who made her feel like that.

I held on to her clammy hand while she went over every detail, starting with her name. The guys barely blinked at that information—mostly because I mentioned it in my conversation with Tony last night, but also because they’re probably not in the habit watching daytime TV—and merely encouraged her to talk.

Which she did. For nearly an hour and a half, with only a few interruptions when either of them asked for clarification. I’d already heard most of the story, which is why I was able to observe the guys’ reactions. Not that I had reason to think they’d be anything other than respectful and understanding, but if there’d been even a hint, I would’ve set them straight.

That brings us to now, and Annie still staring at Keith in shock.

“Babe, keys?” I prompt her.

She seems to snap out of it and starts rummaging through her purse, retrieving her keys, and placing them on the table.

I feel Tony’s eyes on me and turn to him. He’s wearing a shit-eating grin.

“What?” I sound defensive, even to my own ears, which only serves to make that grin wider.

“Never thought I’d see the day. Thought as much last night when you called. Man, Blue is gonna flip when I tell her you’ve come to the dark side.”

Shit. I still hadn’t given my partner an update on Annie.

“Lemme guess, you’re not gonna give me a chance to tell her myself, are you?”

Laughing, Tony leans back in his chair and folds his arms over his chest, looking mighty pleased with himself. Asshole.

“Not a chance in hell,” he confirms. “Karma is sweet.”

“All right, boys,” Keith takes control, but doesn’t bother hiding his smirk. “Back to business here. Annie? If you leave me your number, I’ll get my wife to give you a call, seeing as you two have a good friend in common. Autumn is as down-to-earth as they come, so she’s not likely to fangirl on you, but she’d make a good friend. Especially since she has some experience being the subject of a stalker.”

“She does?”

Keith nods.

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