Revealing Annie - Freya Barker Page 0,42

but there’s been some other stuff.” She suddenly focuses on me with panic in her eyes. “I can’t go back to my trailer. He’s been there, moved stuff around. He was there tonight, while we were by the river.”

Her words have the blood run cold through my veins. I want to ask what makes her think that, but I hold back, afraid she’d take that to mean I’m questioning her, which I’m not.

“Then you won’t. You’ll stay here.”

It doesn’t take any thought at all. In fact, I can’t imagine letting her go off by herself anywhere, even if I have to keep her here, kicking and screaming.

“Kyle…” Hearing my real name coming from her lips sounds so right, it hits me in the pit of my stomach. “If I’m right, I can’t stay here. Look what happened to David, I can’t take that chance.”

I ignore the way she wraps her arms around her body protectively, shielding herself from everything, including me. I hook her around the waist and under her knees and lift her right back onto my lap, holding on tight as I touch my nose to hers, my eyes burning into hers.

“I need you to hear me, Annie. You’re not going anywhere. Tomorrow before we go pick up Bryce, we’re making a stop at the police station.”

She starts struggling on my lap, but I’m not letting go.

“I can’t.” Her voice sounds strangled.

“You not only can,” I assure her. “You will. I promise you will be believed.”

“You can’t promise that, you don’t know.”

“Trust me. I get why that’s hard for you, given what you just told me, but I need you to trust me. You’re not alone in this. Not anymore. What are you gonna do? Run off and find another town to hide out in? For how long? You want that to be your life?”

I feel the fight leave her body and her fingers curl in the fabric of my shirt.

“I’m scared,” she mouths, barely making a sound.

“Fuck, Annie, I know you are. Swear to God, I’ll do whatever I can to make you safe. I have good people in my life who I know will help me make sure of that.”

“They don’t even know me,” she protests, but it’s lacking conviction. I’m starting to get through to her.

“Doesn’t matter. If not for you, they’ll do it for me.”

I don’t know how long we sit like that, her body slack against mine, hands still clasping my shirt, and her head tucked under my chin. In my head I’m going through everything she’s told me and, although I would never admit it to her, it has me worried.

At some point I wonder if she’s fallen asleep, when she suddenly speaks up.

“I don’t know what to do about work. I’m supposed to start at four.”

No way she’s going into work.

“Call in sick. At least for tomorrow. You have weekends off so that’ll give us some time to figure things out.”

“I guess I could call the night manager.”

Relieved she’s conceding, I loosen my hold on her enough so she can fish her phone from her purse. I listen to her side of the conversation and note it wouldn’t be too hard to believe she’s not well. Her voice sounds rough as she explains having come down with something.

The moment she ends the call I stand up, taking her with me.

“Where are we going?”

“I’m taking you upstairs to bed. You’re exhausted.”

She doesn’t even protest when I climb up the stairs. I notice how light she is in my arms. Almost too skinny. Tomorrow I’ll cook her a decent breakfast; make sure she eats enough.

She’s quiet when I lay her down on my bed and take off her tennis shoes. I stop there out of self-preservation.

“Get comfortable. I’m just going to let the dog out back for a pee and lock up.”

I hadn’t bothered turning on the light, so her face is cast in shadows when I lean down and kiss her lips softly.

“I won’t be long,” I promise.

Downstairs I lock the front door and take the dog out back while I stand on the deck and pull my phone from my pocket. Hoping he’s still up, I dial Tony’s number, and in a low voice fill him in.

By the time I head back upstairs to the bedroom, Annie looks to be asleep, and after a quick shower, I pull on a pair of old flannel pants and crawl under the covers on the other side of the bed.

I settle in on my Copyright 2016 - 2024