Revealing Annie - Freya Barker Page 0,25

it for the stairs, grabbing his bags from the hall.

I’m grilling the skewered chicken when he ventures outside, his face pensive.

“Do you have an old blanket?”

His question surprises me. “Why? You don’t like the comforter?” I stopped in at Walmart and picked up new bedding for him, hoping the simple plaid set was acceptable for a teenager.

“It’s fine. The blanket is for Dee. She’s gonna need a bed.”

“Right. There should be pen and paper in the drawer beside the fridge. Why don’t you grab those and make a list of things you think she might need. I was hoping to go pick up some stuff tomorrow morning anyway.”

I watch as he ducks inside, noting he ditched the ball cap somewhere along the way. He could do with a haircut but I know better than to suggest one.

Over a dinner he wolfs down, we compile a list. Mostly dog stuff, but I also ask him to add things he may need. I’ve noticed his shoes are pretty worn and the clothes he wears aren’t new, and a little too big. Still, when he shoves the pad to the middle of the table I can see he’s only added two things at the bottom, deodorant and underwear.


“Okay.” I shove my plate to the side and lean my elbows on the table, time to tackle some tough stuff. “I’m not sure what your mother told you, but here’s what I know. I met her fifteen years ago when I was working in Santa Fe, where I lived at the time. She was vacationing there. We spent some time together and after a couple of weeks she returned home to Minnesota. I never heard from her again until last year. That was the first time I learned about you.”

I can see that surprises him.

“Last year?”

“Yes, you had surgery for a burst appendix.”

He nods, and I’m glad to see at least that had been the truth.

“But why…” His voice trails off as his mind is processing that information. “She called you for money,” he suggests, a scowl on his face.

I nod.

“I couldn’t get ahold of her after that. You guys disappeared.”

His scowl deepens.

“We moved to Idaho. She had a friend who offered to drive us. She said we’d have a better life there after Grandma died.”

That’s the one bit of information Tony had been able to provide me with, the death of Chanel’s mother.

“Did you?”

He looks at me like I’m the biggest idiot.

“Whatta you think?”

Right. Stupid question. I try a different one.

“So when did you find out about me?”

“Last week. Always told me she didn’t know who my father was.”

Oh, he’s pissed and I get it. From what I can glean, his life hasn’t exactly been easy. He probably grew up thinking that was the hand he was dealt. Now he finds out things could’ve been different. I imagine he’s always been protective of his mom and finding out he’s been lied to all his life must sting.

“I’m sorry, Bryce. I wish there was a way to go back and change things, but there isn’t. All we can do is move forward.” I run a hand over my head, trying to pick my words carefully. “I’ll be honest with you, I’m flying by the seat of my pants as much as you are, but maybe there’s a way we can try and figure out what comes next together?”

He doesn’t say anything, and appears to be focused on ripping strips off the paper napkin, but I get the sense he’s heard me.

“All right. Enough heavy stuff for one day,” I announce, getting up to clear the dishes, when he gets up as well.

“I’m tired. Gonna go to bed.”

He doesn’t wait for a response and heads for the stairs.

“Bryce?” I call after him. He stops and turns to look at me. “Night, kid.”


“I can’t believe you did that.”

I lean back in my chair and prop my feet up on the deck railing. From here I can take in the river while keeping an eye on Edward’s place next door.

My neighbor was in fine form this morning when I went to pick up Blossom for her walk. I get he’s frustrated but there’s no need to take it out on the hands that feed him. Quite literally, since I caught Mrs. S. storming out of there as I walked up, and he didn’t have a nice thing to say to me. I guess we’re both letting him stew for a while.

“I know,” I tell Erin.

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