Return of the Scot (Scots of Honor #1) - Eliza Knight Page 0,68

Long, capable fingers. The shape of his thighs. She was quick to snap her glance back up to his.

There was the barest hint of a smile on his lips. “We do no’ want Gille and Shanna to know we are there or that we’re aware of their return or their schemes. Although, they must have guessed as much with their plan for the poor lad.”

Sweet Gordie was falling victim to those who should care about him most. The notion was disturbing on so many levels and made Jaime furious. “How much lead time do ye think we have on them?”

“Sounded as if Malcolm’s man was able to stall their ship for a day. So, at least a week. As soon as they arrive in Scotland, they’ll most likely be riding north for Dunrobin. I can’t imagine they’d commission a ship. But if they do, then we’ll have two days or so. It is my understanding that as soon as a time can be established, your investigator will ride ahead to give us the warning.”

“Aye. Thank goodness for Mr. Bell, who will be watching over the wee lad as they go.” Jaime shook her head, still thoroughly confused as to how Shanna could go along with a plan like that. It was her son. Flesh and blood. A child she’d grown and nurtured in the womb. Didn’t that mean anything to her? Was her greed so great that she’d be willing to put her son up for ransom?

Jaime had never believed the things her parents said about Shanna, thinking them harsh in their judgment. But from where she sat now, looking back and looking forward, it felt as though her sister had pulled the wool over Jaime’s eyes in more ways than one.

“So we’ll be waiting on bated breath for two days to a week.” Jaime’s stomach had already twisted itself into knots.

“Aye.” Lorne sounded as disappointed as she was. Both of them wanted to get this over with.

Jaime glanced out the window, taking note that they were very close to the wharf. She jumped when Lorne touched her knee and jerked her gaze up from where she’d been focusing on her hands.

“Wring your fingers any tighter, lass, and ye’ll have nothing left to mark up your ledgers.”

She grinned. “I’m just so worried.”

“All will be well, sweetling. I promise.”

Jaime’s chest warmed at the endearment and at his confidence. She wished she had the same assurance, but it felt as if everything were falling apart, and imminent disaster awaited them. “I want to save Gordie. It’ll be a bonus if I get some of my money back. And of course, I’ll sign the castle back over to ye.” This was not what she’d told him originally. But money or not, it was a mistake to have bought the place. It didn’t belong to her. An expensive lesson to learn, but one she wasn’t going to ignore.

Lorne shook his head, a small smile on his lips. “If ye still want Dunrobin, it is yours to keep.”

“What?” She flattened her spine against the carriage seat.

“I’ve made it clear I want to marry ye, Jaime. I…care for ye, lass. I enjoy your company. Marry me, and the castle is yours. Do no’ marry me, and it is still yours. But if ye agree to be my wife, I’ll draw up papers to see that the land is entailed to females only if it makes ye feel better.”

At her shocked silence, he continued, “There’s something I’ve realized, and I may no’ have been clear in the telling of it, but for me, life is no’ worth living unless ye’ve got someone to share it with. I rotted away in that prison for two years, wishing I’d had someone at home thinking about me. And when I realized that ye were the only one doing so—even in death exacting your revenge on me—I knew ye were the woman for me.”

Jaime gaped at him. “Ye do realize what ye just said, aye?”

He grinned and leaned forward, taking her hands in his. “Aye. That even in death, ye could no’ stop obsessing over me.”

Jaime swatted him playfully. “I hated ye.”

Lorne tugged her over to his lap, and she settled on the solidness of him, wishing they weren’t about to be interrupted by their servants.

“But ye only hated me so much because your feelings beforehand were already strong.”

Her face flamed. “Ye knew?”

“No’ until I started to think about it.” He nuzzled her neck, pressing a kiss to her flaming skin. Copyright 2016 - 2024