Return to the Isle of the Lost - Melissa de la Cruz Page 0,71

Camelot,” said Carlos. “And when he battled Mim back when Arthur was a kid, Merlin did the same thing—Mim turned into ferocious creatures but Merlin fought her by turning into small and seemingly helpless animals like a rabbit and a turtle. Maybe it’s the way his magic works?”

There was no time to discuss further, as Mim was headed their way, ready to spew another fireball.

“No!” cried Ben, rushing forward, but Mim swatted him with her tail and he was thrown hard across the cavern, hitting the ground with a thump.

“BEN!” cried Mal. She started to run toward him, but Mim stomped in front of her, blocking the way. Then the dragon pushed forward, pressing Mal, Jay, Evie, and Carlos against the wall.

There was nowhere else to go.

“What do we do?” cried Evie. “She’s going to roast us!”

“Talismans?” said Jay. “If we use them to hurt someone, I have a feeling they’ll come to life again! I can use my cobra staff to hypnotize her!” he said, shaking his wooden stick.

“Or my ring to make her do what we want,” said Carlos.

“Poison is always good,” said Evie, removing the golden apple from her purse.

“Mal, you’ve got the Dragon’s Egg,” said Carlos. “You could command all the forces of hell.”

“Not until it hatches,” said Mal. “And the only way for it to hatch is if it sits under a dragon.”

“You mean you have to put it under Maleficent?” asked Evie.

“Maybe?” said Mal.

“Weird,” said Jay.

“But we have ours. Let’s use ours,” said Carlos, rather desperately, as Mim drew closer.

“No!” said Mal. “We can’t use our talismans! Don’t you see that’s what the evil in them wants us to do? If we use them like this, it would only make their power stronger. We’d be drawn to the magic…and we’d turn into our parents.”

“You’re right,” said Evie, putting away her talisman reluctantly as the boys agreed.

“Then brace yourselves,” said Carlos, “and prepare to be roasted.”

The four of them huddled together, seeking comfort in each other before the end, and the purple dragon reared back and opened its mouth. But before it could set them on fire, Ben appeared, holding a sword to the dragon’s heart.

“Recognize this?” he asked. “Artie loaned it to me; he thought I might need it.”

“Excalibur!” cried Carlos, who recognized the sword from Auradon’s history books.

“The one and only,” said Ben, still facing Madam Mim. “The most powerful sword in Auradon. You know what it can do.”

“So I suggest you save yourself the pain, Mim,” said Merlin, who had gotten out of the cage by turning into a caterpillar and was now back to being a wizard.

The purple dragon snorted as Ben pressed the blade against its chest. Finally, it turned into a fine purple mist, and Mim was a hag once again, her shoulders slumped. “I’ll miss Auradon so,” she said. “The sheep were tasty.”

“But alas, Auradon is not the place for you,” said Merlin. With a wave of his wand, Madam Mim was sent back to the Isle of the Lost.

“Say hi to Maddy for me!” said Mal.

“We need to close this tunnel so that no one else can use it to escape into Auradon,” said Ben.

“My thoughts exactly,” said Merlin, and with another wave of his wand, the passage behind them was closed forever with an impenetrable wall that no one and no magic would ever be able to breach. “There, it’s permanently sealed. No one from the Isle of the Lost will ever be able to use it again.”

“Let’s go home,” said Ben, reaching for Mal’s hand.

“Sounds like a good plan,” said Mal, squeezing Ben’s hand tightly. “You guys ready?”

The other three nodded.

“About time,” said Jay. “We’ve got class tomorrow.”

“And homework tonight,” said Carlos.

“I hope our feeds updated correctly,” said Evie. “Right now we’re all supposed to be in bed, sneezing from the flu.”

“Did someone say Sneezy? I’m Grumpy,” said Grumpy.

“Merlin?” asked Ben. “Do you mind giving us a lift? Just this once?”

“If you could send me back to the Enchanted Wood,” said Grumpy, “it would save me a carriage ride.”

“I’ll be heading back to Camelot myself,” said Merlin as he shook everyone’s hands.

“You make a good king, Ben,” said Merlin. “And you were right in the end, we didn’t need magic to capture the dragon. Only diligence and courage, as you have shown.”

“Thank you,” said Ben. “That means a lot, coming from you. Although we did need magic to send her back to the Isle of the Lost, and to close that passage. And to go Copyright 2016 - 2024