Return to the Isle of the Lost - Melissa de la Cruz Page 0,49

difficult as teaching a jolly crew of pirates table manners.

“Great, you guys have maps to share. All right, then; just point us to the Catacombs, and we’ll be on our way,” said Jay.

“Well, that’s where I’ll need everyone’s help tonight. We haven’t been able to discover the exact location of the entrance to the Catacombs,” said the professor. “We don’t have much time left, so you and the rest of the Anti-Heroes will need to scour the island until you find it.”

He began to give the members their assignments, sending them to every part of the island, from Henchman’s Knob to the Blown Bridge.

“Shall we go with them?” asked Jay as the Anti-Heroes started to trickle out to search.

“Yes, but please remain where you are for now. Before I send you four off on this journey, I have a few words of advice to give each one of you. Acquiring these talismans will be very dangerous. Evil is seductive; you will have to remain strong and not fall prey to its temptations.”

He stood in front of Carlos first and placed a hand on his head. “Carlos de Vil, you possess a keen intellect; however, do not let your head rule your heart. Learn to see what is truly in front of you.”

Evie was next, and Yen Sid did the same, resting a hand above her dark blue locks. “Evie, remember that when you believe you are alone in the world, you are far from friendless.”

Jay bowed down and removed his beanie so the good professor could lay his hand on his head too. “Jay of Agrabah, a boy of many talents, open your eyes and discover that the riches of the world are all around you.”

At last he came to Mal. Yen Sid delicately touched her purple head. “Mal, daughter of Maleficent, you are from the blood of the dragon and carry its strength and fire. However, this burden is not yours to bear alone. Rely on your friends, and let their strength carry yours as well.”

Yen Sid surveyed the young villains in front of him. “What you are about to do is very dangerous.”

Carlos perked up. “That’s fine, my middle name is—”

“Oscar,” said Evie. “We know.”

The group of Anti-Heroes burst into applause as Mal, Evie, Jay, and Carlos shook hands with the professor and thanked him for his wisdom and guidance.

“We will collect the maps that we do have,” said Yen Sid. “Give us a few moments.” The group began to disperse to begin their respective assignments, talking excitedly among themselves.

Carlos said goodbye to Harry and Jace, who had been tasked with searching near the Bargain Castle. Jay promised the pirates he would send them postcards from Auradon.

Evie was glad they had figured out where their parents were, but going after them wasn’t going to be easy. If Evil Queen was set on getting back her talisman of power, there was no stopping her. The woman elbowed people out of the way for a tube of concealer.

“Heading out to search?” asked Harry.

“Uh-huh,” said Evie.

“Glad you guys are the ones going after them and not me and Jace. We’d be too scared, all right. Crikey, you’re all so brave.”

“I’m not, really,” said Evie. “But sometimes you have to do the things you have to do. Thanks, though.” Before setting off, however, she had to make sure she could move properly. She inspected her broken heel. She couldn’t keep going this way; the Endless Catacombs of Doom sure sounded like they would entail a lot of walking as well, and she was still wearing the wrong shoes.

“Professor,” she said, holding up her broken heel. “Do you think you can fix this with a little magic of science or something?”

He examined her shoe. “No, I’m afraid there is no way this can be salvaged through the magic of science.”

Evie’s face fell as she resigned herself to stumbling her way through the underground, her feet blistered and callused.

“But I do have something that might help you,” said Yen Sid.


“Tape,” he said as he deftly taped the broken heel back to its original shape.

It wasn’t a pair of sneakers, but at least she wouldn’t be limping anymore.

While Yen Sid went back to going over the possible locations for the entrance to the Catacombs with Jay and Carlos, and the rest of the club members waited patiently for their assignments, Evie looked around the crowded room and didn’t see Mal anywhere. Where had she gone? Evie took another look and caught a glimpse of bright Copyright 2016 - 2024