The Return of the Duke - Grace Callaway Page 0,64

grand enough back then to win ’er family’s approval. She married an earl five years ago and,”—Fancy’s breath hitched—“Knight still loves ’er.”

“He told you this?” Bea asked.

Fancy blew her nose and nodded. “’E said loving ’er was a ’abit ’e couldn’t break. ’E was being ’onest with me, see, because ’e wanted me to understand the kind o’ marriage ’e was offering.”

“A marriage of convenience?” Bea murmured.

“’E didn’t call it that, exactly. ’E said that while ’e couldn’t give me love, ’e would be true and take care o’ me. That we would ’elp each other and be a team.”

“How are things in the marital bower?”

Heat flooded Fancy’s cheeks.

Bea laughed. “You don’t need to answer me, dearest: your blush says it all. I’m not surprised, really, given the way Knighton looks at you.”

“’Ow does he look at me?”

“How do I describe it?” Bea tilted her head. “Like you’re a deer and he’s a starved wolf?”

“Oh.” She widened her eyes. “You think so?”

“I noticed it even before I left for London. While Knighton was busy convincing himself that he had a duty to propose to me, he couldn’t keep his eyes off you. That was why I warned you before I left. I was worried that he might propose something untoward, but instead…” A smile slowly spread across Bea’s face. “Instead he’s done the right thing and made you a duchess.”

“I want to be the lady Knight needs me to be,” she said earnestly, “one ’e’ll be proud to ’ave on ’is arm. I want to ’elp ’im with ’is siblings too—who, by the by, make my brothers look like perfect princes. I didn’t tell you all o’ it, but Knight’s road ’asn’t been an easy one. ’E’s ne’er ’ad anybody to lean on, not really, and I want ’im to know ’e ain’t alone now.”

As she spoke her thoughts aloud, her resolve grew. She could never be the angelic Imogen, but Knight wasn’t married to Imogen, was he? He was married to her, Fancy, and she didn’t come to this marriage empty-handed. She was her father’s daughter: what tinkers lacked in wealth and prestige, they made up for in grit, determination, and adaptability.

Why, how many times had she mended a broken pot or piece of clothing? Or taken things she’d found in a rubbish pile and turned them into objects others would pay good money for? She would use all the skills at her disposal to become what Knight needed.

She would simply fix…herself.

I’ll be what ’e needs, she thought fiercely. I’ll make myself o’er into a lady. I’ll work to win my prince’s ’eart.

“You are what your husband needs.” Bea reached over and squeezed her hand. “You are beautiful, loving, and sweet, which is probably what drew Knighton to you in the first place.”

Fancy was too busy planning to pay full attention to her friend’s words.

“Aunt Esther will ’elp me with my clothes and ’air,” she said eagerly. “She says I must ’ave lessons as well.”

Bea pursed her lips. “Lessons in what?”

“In everything. She says I must learn to speak, dress, and act like a lady.” Fancy looked hopefully at her friend. “Would you mind ’elping me with…” She tried to recall Aunt Esther’s term. “Proper comportment?”

“I’m hardly a shining example of propriety,” Bea said dryly. “But I would be glad to point you in the general direction.”

“Thank you.” Bubbling with enthusiasm, Fancy suddenly realized there was something she had not yet mentioned. “And there’s something else. A secret about my past.”

She shared what Da had revealed about her origins.

“Goodness.” Bea’s lavender gaze rounded. “And there were no other clues about who your parents might be, other than the clothing you were wearing and the note?”

“None whatsoe’er. Da thinks—and Knight and I agree—that at least one o’ my parents must ’ave been rich.” She bit her lip. “Maybe a lady gave birth to me out o’ wedlock, or I’m some toff’s by-blow. Whate’er the case, they needed to be rid o’ me.”

Concern lined Bea’s brow. “Is it safe for you to be in London?”

“It’s been o’er two decades since that note was written. ’Ow could I be in danger now?” She shrugged. “But Knight says I’m not to take risks, and ’e won’t let me go anywhere without an escort.”

“I like your duke better already,” Bea murmured.

“’E’s a good man,” she said staunchly. “And I’m going to make myself into a lady worthy o’ ’im.”

“That is utter claptrap.”

At her chum’s sharp tone, Fancy blinked.

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