The Return of the Duke - Grace Callaway Page 0,60

needed a duchess, isn’t it?” she returned. “It will be up to me to get your siblings into shipshape. Now I know I ain’t precisely ready myself, but Aunt Esther ’as a plan for me.”

Amused at her determined expression, he asked, “What plan is that, sweeting?”

“In a nutshell? She’s going to change everything about me and turn me into a lady.”

“You don’t need to change. All you need is superficial polish. A few lessons and trips to the modiste.”

“I’m going to make you proud o’ me,” she vowed.

“I am proud of you.” He rolled so that he lay atop her, balancing his weight on his arms. Looking into Fancy’s solemn brown eyes, he felt a tug in his chest. “I know what you’re taking on for me, and I…I appreciate it. Appreciate having you by my side.”

He was mesmerized by the sweetness of her smile. By the feeling that he wasn’t…alone.

“I appreciate you too,” she whispered.

Emotion surged over him. He had to tear his gaze away from the temptation of her mouth, instead burying his lips at her throat. She sighed as he kissed her there, his tongue finding the flutter of her pulse. He was already hard, already hungry for her. With an impatient hand, he undid the buttons of her nightgown, and she helped him get the bloody thing off her.

He paused. By God, he would never tire of seeing his wife naked. He ran a possessive hand over her: her throat, her rounded tits, the dip of her waist and belly. She arched into his touch like a kitten. He cupped her dark silky pussy, massaging the peak of her mound with the heel of his hand. Lust sizzled in his veins when dew coated his palm.

“You’re ready for me, aren’t you, sweet?” he said thickly. “Nice and wet for my cock.”

She looked at him with dazed, dark eyes. “Oh, please…”

“Please what? Rub your little pearl harder like this?”

When he ground his palm, she whimpered, inciting the beast in him.

“Maybe you want more,” he said. “Do you, Fancy?”

“I need you,” she panted. “Whate’er you’ll give me.”

The same thing she’d said to him that night in the tree. And her surrender had the same effect now as it had then: he felt the gentlemanly shell slipping away from him, giving way to his animal need, his darkest desires.

He penetrated her with a finger, the hungry clutch of her cunny unleashing a growl from his throat. “You have one finger, sweet. Want another?”

Her moan was sufficient answer. She gasped, her hips bucking as he stirred two digits inside her. He pumped them and grunted his approval at her squeezing response. His erection butted the front of his robe as he finger-fucked her harder, faster, his palm slapping her pussy the way his balls would soon be doing.

“Work yourself on my fingers,” he rasped. “Come for me, Fancy.”

With her plump bottom lip caught beneath her teeth, she obeyed, impaling herself on his driving touch. Her passage began to convulse, a tight, hot rippling that made his cock weep in eagerness. She cried his name as she found her completion.

He yanked off his robe, notching his burgeoned dome to her entrance. He pushed inside her, and a line of fire shot up his spine as he buried himself fully in his wife’s snug pussy. Driven by pure craving, he plowed her furrow with vigorous thrusts. Her spasms continued, and he didn’t know if she was still coming or coming again. The sound of their colliding flesh was a visceral, maddening pleasure.

When her convulsions stopped, he withdrew and flipped his startled wife onto her hands and knees. Grasping her by her hips, he entered her from behind. He felt her jolt of surprise, followed by the hot, sucking acceptance of her body. The lewd delight of watching his shaft sink into her pink slit almost finished him off. Shuddering, he dug his fingers into her hips and hilted himself to the root. He did it again and again, egged on by her mewling sounds, by his own need to be as deeply inside her as possible.

He felt his bollocks tighten, his seed rising. He reached under, finding her pearl, working it as he slammed his cock inside her. She gasped, her fingers bunching the sheets.

“Spend with me,” he bit out.

His command came out strangled, but she did it anyway. The squeeze of her pussy demolished the rest of his control. Heat shot from his stones with mind-melting intensity. He drove in, then Copyright 2016 - 2024