The Return of the Duke - Grace Callaway Page 0,48

into sleep.


Fancy opened her eyes to an unfamiliar view: a naked male torso.

Smiling dreamily, she rubbed her cheek against Knight’s hair-covered chest, enjoying her first time waking up with her husband. The easy surges of his breathing told her he was still asleep. Even so, his arm kept her trapped against his side, and she snuggled in closer, taking the opportunity to admire him.

As her gaze roved over his powerful form, she recalled his tender concern for her last night, and her heart gave a silly hiccup. She ran her fingertips gently over the bulging planes of his chest…and frowned when she discovered a scar close to his heart. The dull red line was hidden beneath his hair, the bumpy ridge several inches long.

Without thinking, she pressed her lips against it.

He flinched, his eyes snapping open.

“I’m sorry,” she said in surprise. “Does it ’urt?”

It took a moment for his gaze to clear, and he shook his head against the pillow. “It’s old.”

“’Ow did you get it?”

“It was an accident,” he said shortly. “If you’re interested in my scars, I have plenty more of them. The consequence of being a guard-for-hire, I’m afraid.”

Seeing the lines slashing around his mouth, she wondered if he thought she would find the wounds of his past unattractive. Which couldn’t be further from the truth. She touched his jaw, the muscle quivering beneath her fingertips.

“They’re badges o’ honor,” she said softly. “Reminders of how you fought for your success.”

The tension in his jaw eased.

“Do you always see the best in everything?” he asked wryly.

“I see the man that you are. A man I’m proud to call my ’usband.”

His gaze warmed. “You’re proud?”

She nodded. “You told me the things you like about me. Well, I like things about you too.”

“I’m all ears.” He arranged them so that they faced each other lying on their sides. Then in a pompous tone, he said, “Do expound upon my fine qualities, dear wife.”

His teasing didn’t quite hide his eagerness to hear her praise. The glimpse of his boyish side reminded her of their first meeting, the delight he’d taken in playing his small trick. Knowing what she now did about his past, she imagined he’d had to grow up quickly, and her chest softened.

“You’re noble, of course,” she began.

“Well, that’s not enlightening. I already know I’m a duke.”

“I don’t mean noble in the sense o’ your title.” Rolling her eyes, she said, “I meant you’re noble at ’eart. You look after the welfare o’ others like your siblings. And like me. Even when it’s not in your own interest. You rescued me time and again and married me to save my reputation.”

“Marrying you wasn’t entirely selfless, you know.”

She blushed beneath his smoldering glance. “Nevertheless, I wasn’t what you were looking for in a duchess. But, being a man o’ honor, you gave me your name anyway. And you don’t look down upon me or my family. You’re kind to my brothers, who I know are a ’andful, and you’ve put up with Da’s disapproval o’ our marriage.”

“I like your family.” He sounded like he meant it.

“I’m glad. And I look forward to meeting yours.”

“I shall consider it a triumph if you don’t require smelling salts.”

Unfortunately, he sounded like he meant this as well.

She snorted. “I’ve never succumbed to ’ysterics in my life.”

“A tough little thing, aren’t you?” He ran a finger along her nose, his touch playful, his gaze soft as smoke. “Thank you, Fancy. For taking me and my family on.”

“Likewise,” she said.

She smiled, enormously pleased with their progress. She and Knight had only been married a day, and already she felt closer to him. She wanted to learn more, to understand all the different parts that made up this complex man.

“A few days ago, when you told me about your parents,” she said, “you didn’t ’ave time to explain why your father left you and your mama. We ’ave time now.”

His eyes grew guarded. “Why does it matter?”

“Because I want to know you better.” She furrowed her brow. “You said we would be ’onest with one another, to communicate and work as a team.”

“Hoisted by my own petard,” he muttered.

“You mentioned meeting with your father,” she prompted.

“Right.” Heaving a sigh, he sat up against the headboard, the sheets bunching at his waist.

She did the same, pulling a sheet up modestly over her breasts…blinking when he prevented her from doing so.

“Since you are asking me to discuss an unpleasant topic, you owe me a distracting view.” He looked at Copyright 2016 - 2024