The Return of the Duke - Grace Callaway Page 0,42

the details o’ my foolish dream.

“I can also give you a family in the form of four half-siblings and an aunt. I must warn you however: when you meet them, you will likely wish to give them back.”

His wry humor caught her off-guard, and she gave a watery chuckle.

“They can’t be as bad as all that,” she said.

“They are worse. But if you want to take them on, they’re yours.”

As she mulled over that, he cleared his throat. “They are, of course, not the only family I could give you. That I would wish to give you, if you were my wife.”

Her pulse skipped at the heated look in his grey eyes.

“I want you, Fancy,” he said huskily. “While desire is not the same as love, I still say it is the more reliable of the two. And what I feel for you is not just physical attraction. I like you.”

He wants me. He likes me.

Thrill tip-toed up her spine; she halted it.

“What do you like about me?” she asked cautiously.

“I like that you are easy to talk to. That you’re caring and loyal to your family and friends. I like that you’re honest and practical, that you’re not one of those milk-fed misses prone to bouts of silliness.”

She blinked at the readiness of his reply. She had no idea that he thought these things about her. And there was more.

“I like that you care about cantankerous donkeys, that you don’t back down to fish bigger than you are.” A smile lurked in his eyes. “I like that you’re constantly getting into trouble so that I can come to your rescue.”

“I don’t constantly get into trouble,” she protested.

He raised his brows.

Sighing, she amended, “Although, o’ late, it ’as been finding me.”

“It is a fortunate thing that you have me around,” he said and chucked her under the chin.

The casual, affectionate gesture was the nail in the coffin of her resistance. Although Knight didn’t promise her love, it seemed that he could give her the other parts of her dream. That he wanted to.

Maybe he was right. Maybe love wasn’t as important as she thought it was. Maybe passion and friendship were dependable bricks with which to build a marriage. As she tested letting go of some of her old expectations, she found there was one she couldn’t relinquish.

“What about Imogen?” she forced herself to ask.

“She will have no bearing on our marriage.” His expression was grave. “I give you my promise to be a good and faithful husband. I won’t lie to you, and I ask that you return the courtesy. The fact that we can comfortably discuss Imogen is a good sign, I daresay, of the honesty that is possible between us. Of our ability to communicate and work together as a team.”

He was so convincing, even when she knew their path wouldn’t be easy. In truth, she didn’t know what lay ahead. Yet if she had any talent, it was this: she was good at adapting and making the best of what she had. Rarely in her life had she been given anything whole or perfect. Right now, she had a handsome duke who desired and liked her, who wanted to give her a home and a family.

How much more could she ask for?

“Say you will be mine, Fancy,” he coaxed. “Say you’ll build a future with me.”

“I will.” She released a breath. “On one condition.”

She was an optimist, but she wasn’t stupid. She learned from her past mistakes. If she was to venture into uncertain territory, she would take measures to protect herself.

The softness left his eyes, his mouth taking on an oddly cynical bent. “Name your terms.”

Since there was no delicate way to put it, she said in a rush, “I don’t want you to kiss me.”

She didn’t think Knight could be taken aback, but his slackened jaw suggested it was possible.

“May I ask why not?” he asked with obvious care.

“Because you don’t want to,” she said frankly. “And I don’t want to be kissed unless you mean it.” Unless you love me. “I ’ave my pride too, Knight.”

“I never doubted that.” He cleared his throat. “What about…other marital activities?”

Her cheeks flamed, but she said steadily, “As you said, we desire one another, and there is nothing dishonest in acting on those feelings. I want to be a true wife to you, Knight.”

“I am glad to hear it,” he said softly. “Because I mean to be a true husband to you.”

He cradled her jaw, leaning in. Copyright 2016 - 2024