The Return of the Duke - Grace Callaway Page 0,35

The mind-melting swirl of his tongue. He sucked on her nipple, and the sensation reached deep into her center, drawing forth her intimate dew. Her inner muscles quivered, clutching on emptiness. She’d never felt anything like this, this heady desperation, as if she would fly out of her skin.

“Do you want more, Fancy?” he said.

This time it was a question. She felt it in the stillness of his frame and steadiness of his gaze. The choice was hers.

“I need you, Knight,” she whispered. “Whate’er you’ll give me.”

Hunger flared in his eyes. A heartbeat later, she felt him pushing up her nightgown. Her breath became tattered as his hand roamed up her calf, past her knee to rest possessively upon her bare thigh. When his thumb traced the crease of her leg, she whimpered.

“So impatient,” he admonished.

She knew he was teasing, yet for some reason his stern tone made her squirm even more.

“Touch me, please,” she pleaded.

“Like this?” He slid a finger through her intimate folds.

“Yes,” she gasped.

“What a soft, sweet pussy you have,” he murmured. “Made for petting.”

In her travels, she’d overheard men speaking about bodily parts and the sexual act, those conversations always seeming crude. Yet hearing her elegant duke engage in naughty talk inflamed her, as did his masterful caressing between her legs. She felt a flash of worry about how damp she’d gotten there, but his growling response reassured her.

“I love how wet you are.” His tone was low, guttural. “How ripe for the taking.”

His touch travelled upward, finding a hidden peak. He rubbed in slick, mind-robbing circles. She moaned at the exquisite pleasure.

“Christ, that’s a pretty sound,” he said thickly. “I want to hear you moan for me, Fancy.”

Her heart stuttered as he pushed a long, thick finger into her.

“Knight.” She couldn’t help but gasp at the fullness.

“Devil and damn…you’re tight.”

She didn’t have time to make sense of why he sounded surprised because in the next instant he began moving his finger. The sensation was…indescribable. She moaned as he sheathed his digit deeper and deeper, her body clutching onto what he gave her. At the same time, he kept rubbing her secret bud, tightening the coil in her belly. When he stirred her wetness, something in her sprung free. She cried out as she catapulted into bliss.

“God, you’re sweet,” he rasped. “I can’t wait to be inside you.”

He shifted, wrestling with his clothes. Then he came atop her. Even with pleasure buzzing through her veins, she tensed as he aligned their bodies. His private part nudged hers, and her breath hitched with sudden panic: his manhood felt huge, built proportionally to the rest of him. When the blunt tip pushed at her entrance, she stiffened.

“Relax, sweeting, I’ll be gentle,” he said raggedly. “I won’t hurt you.”

Seeing the desperate need in his eyes, balanced by the determined clench of his jaw, she knew that he spoke the truth. That he wouldn’t lose control with her. That despite his power and size, she was safe with him.

“I know,” she whispered. “I trust you.”

Because she did.

Fancy’s sweetness edged Severin’s lust into combustible territory.

He was harder than he could remember ever being, his cock weeping with eagerness as he notched himself to Fancy’s pussy. Despite his mind-obliterating desire, he advanced slowly. He would cut off his own arm before hurting her and, knowing his own size, he’d taken care to prepare her. She was dripping for him, her slick dew easing his way inside. Still, her sheath was snugger than he expected, the pleasure pulling harsh breaths from his lungs. Inch by inch, he pushed into her pulsing heat.

He gazed down at her. “How does that feel?”

“Um…full?” She ran her tongue over her plump lips, and her gaze widened when his cock twitched inside her. “You’re big.”

“But you can take me, can’t you, sweeting? Tell me you want me.”

“I want you, Knight,” she said softly.

“Good because I need to move, Fancy. You feel too bloody fine.”

He took her tremulous smile as permission. He withdrew a little, the wet suck of her passage sizzling up his spine. He pressed his hips in, and her body yielded more. He couldn’t stop himself from taking what she offered, from sinking his cock deeper and deeper into her giving softness. When he felt her pussy kiss his stones, a jagged breath left him. He ground his hips, and she mewled like a kitten.

Hunger took over then. He pushed back her thighs, canting her cunny up for his taking. At this new angle, his shaft Copyright 2016 - 2024