The Return of the Duke - Grace Callaway Page 0,3

the only one who’s tired, Bertrand. But we’ve supplies that need to be delivered to the fields,” she went on. “Seeing as ’ow you’re the beast o’ burden, you’re supposed to be ’auling that cart yonder instead o’ me trying to ’aul you off the blooming steps.”

The donkey lifted its head, looked at her, and yawned.

“Sweet Jaysus,” she exclaimed. “Stop being such an ass.”

A muffled sound escaped Severin, startling him. He could not recall the last time he’d laughed. The female whirled to face him, delivering another dose of surprise. Because of her braids and short stature, he had underestimated her age. She was no girl but a woman.

A rather pretty one.

Her heart-shaped face was dominated by large, doe-brown eyes, her thick lashes fanning rapidly as she stared back at him. Her skin was sun-kissed, her cheeks tinted a charming rose. She had delicate features…except for her lips which were lush and plump, the color of crushed berries. Just above the left side of her mouth was a tiny beauty mark, nature’s way of punctuating temptation.

Beneath her serviceable brown frock, her bosom was full and high, her waist narrow enough for him to span with his hands. The fullness of her patched skirts hid her lower shape, but he would wager his factories that she was nicely rounded, with hips that would cradle a man as he plowed her. He became aware of a tightening in his own lower regions, the faint hum of lust in his veins.

Devil take it, he thought with a frown. What is the matter with me?

He did not make a habit of ogling women. He found it particularly distasteful when men took advantage of servants like this young female, who had a right to go about her duties without harassment. The fact that he’d entertained debauched thoughts about her was unacceptable and, frankly, baffling. He prided himself on self-discipline, his ability to keep his baser emotions and urges in check. This quality had allowed him to transform himself from a guttersnipe to a gentleman in the truest sense of the word.

Yet this female stirred his most primal depths. He’d never seen a mouth as carnal as hers…as kissable. He chalked up his reaction to the fact that it had been years since he’d experienced the sweetness of lips against his own. That was no excuse, however.

He dismounted, using the time to get himself in check.

“Beg pardon, miss,” he said with a nod. “I have come to pay my addresses to your mistress.”

The woman blinked at him. “I don’t ’ave a mistress, sir.”

“You are not in employ here?”

“I ’elp Bea when she needs me…” She furrowed her brow as if she were having trouble finding words. “But I ain’t ’er servant.”

“Whatever the case, I wish to go inside.” He eyed the donkey, now lightly snoring upon the steps. “Would you kindly get your beast to move?”

“I tried,” she said, sighing. “Bertrand doesn’t listen to anyone but my da.”

“If you don’t mind, I will have a go.”

“Are you certain?” She ran a dubious gaze over his clothes. Today his valet had dressed him in a charcoal frock coat, silver cravat, and Prussian blue waistcoat, his buff trousers tucking neatly into his polished boots. “When Bertrand gets angry, things can turn messy.”

“I can manage a donkey.” Having spent years mucking stables, he knew how to handle obstinate four-legged creatures. “The key is letting them know who is the master. Let me fetch something first.”

As he went to retrieve his secret weapon from his saddle bag, she said haltingly, “You’re not going to…’urt Bertrand, are you? ’E’s got a sensitive nature—”

“Ease your mind. I’ll not hurt the beast.”

He returned, finding her obvious relief oddly endearing. She was a tender-hearted thing if she cared about the troublesome ass. He couldn’t resist teasing her a little.

“I won’t need to use a whip, you see. Beasts sense and obey my natural authority.”

Her relief turned to skepticism. “Really.”

“Stand back and see for yourself.” Once she moved aside, he crouched next to the donkey. In his most ducal voice, he said, “I am your master, Bertrand, and you will do as I command. Arise, donkey.”

Bertrand sniffed, his ears flickering. His expression went from bored to slightly less bored. As Severin rose, the donkey followed suit. Hearing the servant girl’s astonished gasp, he hid a smile and lured the donkey away from the manor steps to the shade of a nearby tree.

“You did it.” The female followed them, her brown eyes shining with admiration.

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