Resurrect - Astrid Jane Ray Page 0,9

working and go with you. Together, we can make it work. We have to try for May.”

She didn't answer, but her eyes began filling with tears.

“Trisha,” I called softly.

“Leave me alone!” She threw May’s empty bowl against the wall, breaking it into pieces. “Can you be quiet for one fucking second and let me think?”

She leaned her hands against her head and rocked back and forth, like in some kind of trance.

“Trisha,” I tried again, but to no avail.

“Go away!” Snatching a chunk of broken plate, she threw it an inch from my face.

Horrified that Trisha had almost cut my face open, I dashed out of the kitchen and headed upstairs to my room. I opened my mother's music box, replaying the soothing melody over and over until my pounding heart returned to a normal rhythm. Then I found May and we played hairdressers. Combing my long hair was her favorite thing in the world and we did it almost every day. Her little hands drowned in a sea of dark voluminous strands as she curiously examined their smell, texture and length. Eyes filled with child’s wonder, she asked for the hundredth time if her hair would be as beautiful as mine when she grew up. I gave her the same answer as always, assuring her she would be gorgeous in every aspect.

Time with my little sister had a healing effect on my tired mind, and it was a much needed distraction for both of us. But the obligations that awaited didn't allow me to keep May company for as long as I wanted. There was a lot of homework to be done before I headed to work. Once I completed the last of my assignments, it was time to get ready.

It was a beautiful sunny Sunday afternoon, and I was glad to catch some fresh air as I walked to work. It took nearly an hour to get there, but I didn't find that a problem and was just glad to be away from the house. Even though I wasn't comfortable with leaving May alone with Trisha, I had no other choice. If I quit my job, we'd starve and I couldn't let that happen.

I entered the restaurant already packed with people, and was surprised my colleague, Wendy, was the only one taking their orders. She spotted me, and gripped the drink tray. Her posture slumped and her gaze met the ceiling as she mouthed a silent prayer of thanks. Bypassing the tables, she hurried to my side.

“Thank God you're here!” Wendy exclaimed, blowing her side-swept fringe from her eyes. “Boss called in sick. I know you're a bit early, but I need you to start immediately.”

“Sure. Just let me get rid of my things,” I replied, and scurried to the small wardrobe space where I left my jacket and bag.

Usually, we'd handle the weekends with at least three to four people. The fact only the two of us worked this shift meant we were in for a very rough night. During the few short months I had been at Mangiare, Mr. Giordano was always present and available to help us when needed. The timing of his absence had been unfortunate since one of our colleagues was on vacation with no one to replace him, but we had to find a way to manage.

In a few minutes, I returned to Wendy, and she gave instructions of which tables to take over. It was nothing uncommon, but sort of a well-established dynamic between us. Despite the fact she was only a few years my senior, Wendy had a lot more experience than me and I'd always follow her lead. And it wasn't just experience. She possessed a natural charisma that I lacked.

Mr. Giordano often scowled at me for being too serious, and said I should follow the example of my older colleague who handled everything with a big, wide smile. I wasn't insulted by his snappy remarks because he told the truth. Heeding his advice would work to my advantage, but I didn't know how to act like my confident co-worker.

Wendy employed just the right amount of charm to appeal to the guests in order to receive the best tips. On the other hand, I was quiet and never joked or flirted. Our waitress uniform consisted of a simple pair of black pants and white shirt, but Wendy added a sexy twist. She wore one size smaller for a fitted look that complemented her curves, and always revealed her cleavage Copyright 2016 - 2024