Resurrect - Astrid Jane Ray Page 0,83

outside and caught Alessandro's confused gaze. Our food had already been served, and he was waiting for me.

Twisting my lips into a weak smile, I straggled back to the table. “I'm sorry I kept you waiting,” I apologized, and regarded the plate filled with rich food that now made me nauseous.

“Are you okay?” he asked with a hint of worry.

“I'm fine.”

“Have I said something to make you upset? Perhaps, the comment about your family?” He seemed bothered by the possibility.

I nodded, aware I had to give him some explanation.

“You must forgive me if I’m bringing up sensitive subjects,” he offered an apology. “I’m still very much lost when it comes to our marriage.”

“I understand,” I said softly. “Don't worry about it.”

For a while, we ate in silence. I had barely taken a few bites, but I was glad for the distraction. Alessandro stole glances at me as if he was dying to ask something.

“Do you think you can tell me what happened with your family?” he blurted out at last.

I was at the verge of breaking down, but I fought to preserve my peace. “They disapproved of our marriage,” I said in a matter-of-fact tone.

“And you defied them?”

“Well, I'm married to you, am I not?” I probed with a pinch of sarcasm.

“Yes, you are.” He dropped his cutlery and reached for my hand. A rare light appeared in his eyes. “I don't know if I told you then, but I'm telling you now. I really appreciate that you married me despite everything, cara. I'm a lucky guy.”

Another crack in my heart. I nodded jerkily.

He sighed and shook his head. “You’ve barely touched your food.”

I glanced at Alessandro's plate which was almost empty while mine indeed appeared untouched. “I'm not that hungry,” I muttered. “Can we go home? I'm not feeling very well.”

“Of course,” he immediately agreed. “Just let me settle the bill.”

He didn't even wait for the waiter to return to our table, but rose to his feet and traipsed to the counter himself—just like in those days when he frequented Mangiare. He returned in the company of Tommaso who was slightly offended I had eaten so little of his famous risotto. It took me a few minutes to convince him the food was great, but I was coming down with some illness. Alessandro smirked and commented something about a stomach flu epidemic that Tommaso took all too seriously.

As my husband helped me into my coat, Tommaso apologized for his insensitivity and made Alessandro promise he would bring me back so he could make it up to me. To my surprise, Alessandro was too happy to inform the old man we would return as soon as possible.


The ride home went by in silence, and I focused my attention on the tiny raindrops falling against the windshield. At some point, Alessandro reached out and took hold of my hand. I let out a soft gasp as goosebumps erupted on my skin. The gesture felt weird—just like everything else he had done that evening—but I didn't snatch my hand away. The entire time, I tried to stay calm while his thumb repeatedly brushed against my knuckles.

By the time we arrived home, it was raining cats and dogs and we couldn't leave the car without getting soaking wet; so we remained inside, waiting for the storm to subside. Alessandro gazed at me for a few long moments, then his eyes went distant. The tapping sounds of rain echoed around us, breaking the deafening silence.

“I had this flashback some time ago,” he muttered. “You were sitting in my car and it was raining just like tonight. I can't remember what we were talking about. I just know I wanted to kiss you so badly, but wouldn't because you were only seventeen.”

I wanted to, but—for some reason—couldn't lie to him about this. “That happened on the first night you met me,” I explained. “It was raining and you saw me without an umbrella, so you offered me a lift...despite the fact I was soaking wet and would undoubtedly damage your impeccable upholstery.”

Alessandro gasped a smile and brushed his knuckles against my cheek. “Trust me, the damage you might have caused to my car was the last thing on my mind.”

Something shifted in his expression and he turned serious. Looking at me with transparent tenderness that was so rare to be found in his gaze, he leaned closer...and closer...until he came so near to my lips that our breaths connected. I jerked away, but he gently Copyright 2016 - 2024