Resurrect - Astrid Jane Ray Page 0,75

and glanced around like he was the master of all he surveyed. Taken aback, I leaned my hand against the table, thinking I was going to faint.

“I have combed the entire house in search of you,” Alessandro exaggerated, marching further into the room. “I was certain I would find you resting in your bedroom, but here you are…in the library”—his gaze tapered on my bodyguard—“with your charming bodyguard.”

“Broderick was just about to leave,” I said abruptly, and gave Broderick a sharp look.

He seemed positively confused and perhaps even hurt, but that didn't matter. I would rather have him angry with me than dead because of Alessandro's ridiculous jealousy.

Alessandro kept smirking like he was amused. “Don't be rude, cara. He is more than welcome to stay.”

Someone who didn't know Alessandro would think the remark was kind and genuine, but I read between the lines. I could almost hear his voice telling me...How many more lives will it take for you to learn, tesoro? Didn't I warn you about him? I clasped my shaky hands tightly in my lap as my gaze nervously roamed the room until it met Lorenzo's deadly stare. Every hair at the back of my neck stood up. I expelled a noticeable gasp.

“So, how do you like me without the cast?” Alessandro's deep voice broke the awkward silence.

“It suits you much better,” I said softly. “You must be relieved.”

“Very. I was starting to feel like an invalid,” he revealed, flexing his arm, testing its strength. “This feels rather liberating.”

I swallowed the lump in my throat. “I'm happy for you, Alessandro.”

“You don't seem to be,” he interjected in a soft, serious tone.

My shoulders flexed back, and I could feel Broderick tense behind me. Lorenzo's face remained a cold, unreadable mask. They were on to us. My husband and his underboss would kill us right here in the library. I could sense it in my gut. But then, Alessandro howled a laugh and that bastard Lorenzo joined him.

“I'm only joking, cara. Come,” he invited, spreading his arms wide. “How about we give each other a hug now that I finally have two functioning arms.”

He waited, keeping that smug smile on his face the entire time, and my legs turned to jelly as I forced myself to stand. I sauntered toward him. Broderick exhaled loudly through his nostrils, but remained where he was. I stopped before Alessandro and awkwardly spread my arms as he pulled me into a tight embrace and kissed the top of my head. He winced slightly because his arm must have still hurt, but he didn’t make a sound. Alessandro was the kind of man who would toughen it out and pretend everything was okay, no matter how much pain he had to silently endure to hide the weakness someone might exploit in him. I knew he was glaring at Broderick over my shoulder. I could feel it. He was sending out a message; I was his and he would be merciless in dealing with anyone who dared come too close to me. Broderick, please take heed in this warning. He won't warn you again.

He released me, and smiled. Inside, my skin crawled, but outwardly I remained deadpanned.

“Smile, cara,” Alessandro instructed, his knuckles grazing my cheek. “This is a happy day.”

I nodded, and forced a sour smile on my face.

“That's better, but you still need some practice,” the bastard teased.

Lorenzo cleared his throat, and Alessandro rolled his eyes. “I must apologize, tesoro, but duty calls. Apparently, I have taken one too many days off.” He glanced toward Broderick. “Please, don't let this deter you from your work. Return to whatever it is that you were doing with my wife before I came in.”

There was a knowing, deadly smile on Alessandro's face as he said this, and I watched in utter mortification as the two dangerous men in black suits left us alone.

I faced Broderick who shook his head at me. “Olivia, this is utter madness. You are going to get yourself killed.”

“What do you want me to do, Broderick?” I asked miserably.

“Why don't you run?” he asked like he couldn't understand.

“Don't you think I've tried? Running would be selfish. I have too much to lose and I’m not gambling with other people's lives. I've done it once and it didn't end well,” I asserted. “That accident was my last hope and now I have none.”

“Olivia, what the hell did he do to make you so terrified that you won’t even think of fighting back?”

“Let's just say he Copyright 2016 - 2024