Resurrect - Astrid Jane Ray Page 0,52

awkwardly unbuttoned his pants. He didn't ask me to do anything else. Instead, he kissed me again and slowly unzipped the back of my dress. Then, he sat on the bed and pulled me so close that I stood between his legs. For a few moments, he didn't do anything, and I remained standing in front of him, holding the top of the dress to my chest. I looked at him, uncovering my discomfort and fragility, but there was no intent of mercy in his eyes, only mocking amusement and devouring desire.

I winced when he broke the silence. “Let go of the dress, Olivia.” The voice was deep, commanding, and I obeyed in an instant, fixing my gaze on the floor as his eyes travelled along my bared body.

His fingers closed around my chin, and he uttered a soft demand. “Touch me.”

“I don't...” I swallowed, and expelled a shaky breath. “I don't think I want to.”

“It will be okay, piccola,” he soothed. “Just give it a try.”

“Alessandro, I've never—”

“I know, Olivia…I know,” he murmured, and spread gentle caresses along my body as if willing me to relax. “There is a first time for everything. This is new to me too.”

His touch was feathery soft as he slowly stripped off my underwear, sniggering at my open show of mortification and several failed attempts to hide my nakedness from him. He took hold of my wrists and arranged them to my sides, exposing my naked body to his exploring gaze. The fact I was intimidated by his attention and burning from embarrassment made no difference to him. He took his time, and his eyes roamed along my exposed skin for what felt like a suffocating eternity. Then, he lifted me in his arms, and gently nudged my back onto the mattress, climbing on top of me.

“Please,” I implored in a barely audible voice, afraid of what would happen next.

“Shh, tesoro, relax,” he whispered against my lips. “First the pleasure, then the pain.”

Staying deaf to my silent protests, he touched me with undeniable expertise, playing the strings of my body like a violin. The fact he still had his pants on was somehow comforting, but I sensed that was about to change in a matter of minutes. He kissed almost every inch of my skin, and wouldn’t relent until I relaxed under his touch. The last remains of my pride and dignity demanded I stay indifferent to his attentions and not garner any pleasure in this, but this cruel man knew how to turn my body against me, and his determination to see me defeated was stronger than my will to resist him.

The soft treacherous touch of his hands travelled down my skin, uncovering the most secret places that made me stir with unfamiliar, powerful sensations. I fell apart in his arms, whispering his name as he brought me to the verge of ecstasy and beyond. Such was his hold over me; I wasn't even aware of the moment he disposed of his pants. All I knew was that suddenly, he was completely naked and hovering above me. As my breathing returned to normal, he settled his body between my thighs, and flexed his hips. A part of him I had yet to see searched for entrance. My eyes widened, breath ceased in my lungs, and I froze in fear of the unknown. Alessandro stilled above me and laid his forehead on mine, our lips almost touching. His hand took hold of mine and he intertwined our fingers as if he meant to offer me comfort.

“Shh...non abbiate paura,” he whispered, and then offered a translation of the words. “Don't be afraid, tesoro. I'll go easy on you this time.”

But he didn’t go easy on me. He took my virginity in one swift thrust, and swallowed the sound of agony with a long kiss. A raw Italian sentence that held a note of torture escaped his lips as he withdrew, then entered my body again before I could even catch a breath. When he was about to repeat the action a third time, I called out his name and begged him to stop, but he didn't listen. He didn't pay attention to my desperate protests or the tears that began trickling from my eyes.

Eventually, my pleas annoyed him, and he pressed the palm of his hand against my mouth, pausing for a moment in order to silence my cries.

“Hush now, piccola,” he ordered in a whisper. “It can’t be that bad. Just breathe through Copyright 2016 - 2024