Resurrect - Astrid Jane Ray Page 0,34

the words he'd never said before. “Thank you. I appreciate it.”

I spared him a look of sheer disbelief. What was the matter with him? Why did he talk like that? He had never thanked me for anything with so much enthusiasm—not even when I thought he was my prince charming.

“I'll just quickly arrange for my things to be brought here,” I mumbled, as I got out of the chair.

“Take your time, cara,” he said with a smile. “No need to rush. I'm not going anywhere.”

I swallowed, unable to make sense of his strange behavior. This wasn’t the Alessandro I knew. This man was so far removed from the person I had been married to for the past five years that I couldn't decide if he was possessed by some inexplicable spirit of kindness or if he had merely perfected his acting skills to the point of indistinctive deception.

I walked outside, and Broderick approached me the moment I stepped into the hallway.

“Are you okay?” he asked with immediate worry.

I gaped at him with unhidden remains of confusion. “I'm fine, I guess.”

“Let's get out of here,” he suggested. “We can talk later.”

He reached for my arm, but I snatched it away, shaking my head. “I can't go. Alessandro wants me to stay.”

“What?” Broderick asked in disbelief.

“He wants me to keep him company,” I said quietly. “I don't have any clothes or cosmetics here so if it wouldn't be a problem—”

“I'm not leaving you alone with him.” His voice was made of steel.

“Broderick, please.” I gave him a pleading look.

He shook his head at me. “Olivia, have you lost your mind?”

“I don't have a choice,” I asserted. “I am his wife.”

“What did he say?” he demanded.

“Nothing,” I revealed. “He didn't say anything. He doesn't remember the accident. He doesn't remember anything that has happened in the past five years. He has completely forgotten our marriage.”

Broderick's eyes widened in disbelief. “Olivia, do you know what this means?”

Instead of caution, there was nothing but relief and excitement in his voice, but I couldn't blame him for not being suspicious. He didn't know Alessandro. Not as good as I knew him.

“Don't get your hopes up, Broderick,” I said, in earnest warning. “There is a real possibility he is messing with us. Actually, I'm almost sure that's what's going on.”

Broderick's mouth parted and his expression became serious as I turned around and headed back into the room. When I returned to the chair, Alessandro was already asleep. I stared at him for a long time and contemplated my options and how I’d handle this situation. Very soon, my eyes grew heavy, and my mind drifted back into the past...


The Past (5 years prior)

Alessandro Damiani reappeared in my life, and suddenly every single thing I had lacked growing up was at the reach of my hand. But having all the food I could eat, and being accommodated in a beautiful spacious room that breathed with elegance provided me with a lot less comfort than it should have.

Even though I hadn’t seen him in those first few days after he had come to my rescue, Alessandro made his presence known by showering me with expensive pieces of designer clothes and jewelry. Each gesture presented an attached personal note in which he expressed his wishes for my quick recovery, excusing himself for his absence.

The way he signed the notes made it seem he wanted me to feel at ease while I was a guest at his estate. There was only one catch. I wasn’t a guest. I was a prisoner, and those gifts he showered me with came with a price tag of my freedom. The door to my room was locked, and I was imprisoned in this huge, quiet mansion that resembled an abandoned castle. The only company I had was that of his butler, Henry, who would bring me my meals or any other things Alessandro deemed as necessary. Already on my first day there, I discovered the butler wasn't a nice man, but quite the opposite. The first time I had seen him, I told him I was being held against my will and begged for his help, but he laughed at me.

“Why on earth would I help you, girl?” he'd scoffed. “What's in it for me?”

Everything around me screamed of money and opulence, but all I wanted was to return back to May. For hours on end, I stared outside the window, observing the large estate surrounded by forest. I dreamed of escape, but that Copyright 2016 - 2024