Resurrect - Astrid Jane Ray Page 0,27

made eye contact, people would just look away. As I glanced over my shoulder, I caught the menacing gaze of the giant who stalked behind us. Accepting that I had no choice in the matter, I took in a deep breath and followed the man on shaky legs. We passed by several people and entered a secluded hallway. He opened the door of the room at the far end, and motioned for me to enter. I turned, wanting to bolt, but he caught my shoulders and shoved me inside. The door closed behind us, and I remained staring at it. Even if I did flee, there would be no purpose because the giant had already caught up with us, and he probably stood at the other end to make sure I couldn't escape.

The old man circled me as I shivered and tried to make myself as small as possible in his presence. He leaned closer and laid his hands on my shoulders, letting them slide down my arms. His breath prickled the skin on my neck, and I grew nauseous as he started laying kisses on my throat. A distant thought entered my mind. Perhaps telling him would make a difference. Perhaps this man would show me some mercy and decide to help if I explained my situation.

“My....M-My name is Olivia Walters and I...I’m being held here against my will,” I stuttered, but that didn't make him stop.

“That's really unfortunate for you, sweetheart,” he said in an uninterested voice and continued touching me.

“P-Please...” My voice cracked. “I’m begging you...”

“No more talking,” he bit out, harshly. “This is my time. I have paid for it and I decide how we're going to spend it.” Something dangerous flashed in his eyes, and his hand closed around my breast.

My breath ceased in my lungs, and I mewled in fear.

“I've never been with a virgin before...The thought of being your first really turns me on.”

Bile rose in my throat. I'd have to be intimate with this man. Oh God, please no! My eyes filled with tears and panic, and the man noticed, but didn't care. He continued touching me and—despite my desperate protests—undid the zipper of my dress. No one was coming to my rescue, but I couldn’t stand here and endure this either. I swatted his hands away from my body , but that only made him growl. Then he hit me, full-blown in the face. As I stared in absolute shock, he uttered a clear warning. “If you struggle, you'll only make it worse for yourself.”

Giving me a chilling look of hard undeniable resolve, he trailed behind me and took hold of the sleeves of my dress, slowly sliding it down my body until I was left quivering in my underwear. I could feel the man's dirty gaze touching my skin. Never in my entire life had I felt so helpless. I didn't want this to happen, but had no way to fight. No way to stop him.

“Yes. Very nice. Worth every dime,” he murmured in a heated tone from behind, and roughly pushed my shoulders, forcing me to kneel on the ground. His large shadow covered my small, shrinking form. I expected him to hurt me now, but he just snorted. “Wait here and don't fucking move.”

To my complete shock, the man walked to the bathroom and left me alone, shivering on the floor in the middle of the spacious room. On the brink of collapsing, I cast my blurry gaze to the ceiling and prayed for some force above to save me from these evil men and deliver me from this hell. Then—in a moment of clarity—I caught sight of the window. My thoughts ran wild. I sniffled. It was probably locked, and I would only anger the man. But we were situated on the ground floor, and if the window turned out to be unlocked, I might be able to climb outside easily. The consequences of failure could be devastating, but I had to try. In a rush of adrenaline, I dashed for the window and twisted the handle. A faint cry entwined with a sob burst from my lips as the window opened. I jumped on the concrete pavement just as the old man emerged from the bathroom.

“Hey!” he yelled after me, but I didn't look back.

I ended up falling on my ankle and scratched my knee, but didn't stop. I ran until I came across two men standing outside. I paused, asking for their help, but all Copyright 2016 - 2024