Resurrect - Astrid Jane Ray Page 0,205

table. I gaped at Alessandro with an expression of utter disbelief. “What is this?” My voice sounded positively shocked.

He ignored my comment and pulled out a chair for me. Once I was seated, he strolled around the table and scrutinized me as I stared at that bouquet. “As much as I can tell you’re very surprised, it would be kind of you to employ a bit of tact, cara,” Alessandro said half-jokingly as he took his own seat. “I know I haven't been the most attentive husband in the past, but is one bouquet of flowers and a simple gift enough to leave you flabbergasted to this extent?”

I met his gaze and suddenly felt awkward about the whole thing.

“I just...wasn't expecting it,” I admitted with a dose of reluctance.

“That's the beauty of surprises, cara,” he murmured with a smile. “They tend to come when you least expect them.”

“I guess you're right,” I agreed, and reached out for the bouquet, bringing it closer to smell the roses.

When I glanced up, Alessandro gazed with that same undivided interest that made me fall for him when I was seventeen.

“Thank you,” I whispered with a small smile. “They're beautiful.”

“Don't mention it, cara,” he said softly. “This is only the beginning of what is to come.”

“What do you mean?” I asked curiously.

Alessandro parted his lips to explain, but paused when the waitress approached our table with the menus. She handed one to Alessandro and then to me. Without exchanging a single word with me, she shifted her attention to him. “Sir, can I get you something to drink?” Her voice was slightly nervous.

Alessandro gave her a charming smile, and gestured toward me. “The lady should order first, don't you think?”

The girl blushed to the roots of her hair at the reminder that—in her infatuation with Alessandro—she had overlooked the usual protocol.

“Of course, I apologize,” she said, and focused on me. “What would you like to drink, Mrs. Damiani?”

I smiled and returned the menu without skimming through it. “I'll have a glass of iced green tea and some vegetable lasagna, please.”

Alessandro put his menu away as well and said, “I'll have the same as my wife.”

“Sir, are you sure?” she inquired in surprise, and earned herself a reprimanding glare from Alessandro.

The waitress realized her mistake, but it was too late. If there was one thing Alessandro hated, it was people questioning his decisions and talking back to him. I was half-afraid he would throw a mild tantrum full of snarky remarks, but he merely smiled and let it go. “Yes, I’m absolutely sure. At times, even us Italians like to experiment with food.”

The girl blushed yet again, and reached for Alessandro's menu. In doing so, she had turned over an empty glass that stood in front of him. Apologizing to no end, she hastened to pick up the glass while holding both menus. The candle holder almost turned over and she caught it at the very last moment to stop it from falling. Alessandro rolled his eyes in slight annoyance, but he refrained from making any comments. By the time the waitress was ready to leave our table, she was shivering and drowning in humiliation.

As she rushed for the kitchen, I gazed after her retreating form because she reminded me so much of myself, and now we both shared the experience of serving this very important and intimidating man. The only difference was, Alessandro used to be a lot more tolerant and forgiving of the countless mistakes I had made. Glancing toward him, I wondered if he was as amused with this girl as he once was with me.

“Don't worry, cara.” Alessandro smirked as though he read my mind. “Her clumsiness is not nearly as charming as yours. She has yet to spill the wine all over the table, mix our plates and forget half of our orders.”

A surge of blood rushed to my face and I reddened. “You remember that?”

“Of course I do, tesoro. I remember every little detail. This place holds a lot of memories for me as well.” He smiled and gestured toward the front of the restaurant. “This is where it all began. You used to stand by that counter, stealing glances at me when you thought I wasn't looking. Then, you'd blush so innocently every time I deliberately caught you staring. And I could just feel you try to still your shivering whenever I came closer to settle the bill. I would be lying if I said a part of me Copyright 2016 - 2024