Resurrect - Astrid Jane Ray Page 0,200

her head. “So have you...forgotten about us?”

“No, I haven't,” he muttered gently, “at least not intentionally.”

May smiled. “Okay. Then I guess I forgive you. Can I ask you something?”

Alessandro smirked and exhaled. “Sure thing, May.”

Once again, her eyes danced between us. “Is Olivia your girlfriend?” she blurted out.

Alessandro snickered. “No...she's my wife.”

“You're married!?” Her eyes widened in surprise.

“Yes, piccolina, we’re married,” he confirmed. “That means I’m sort of like a big brother to you.”

“I like that,” May said happily, then narrowed her eyes as if she was confused. “But why didn't you tell me?”

Alessandro smiled sadly and swallowed. “It was a surprise.”

“And bringing Olivia back was also a surprise?” she concluded softly.

“Yes, May.” Alessandro's voice turned raspy for a moment. “Yes, it was.”

She nodded and her gaze became distant. “Kind of like a birthday present?”

“Indeed,” he said quietly. “That’s a nice way to put it.”

“Alessandro, where were you going to take me?” May asked curiously.

A shadow of discomfort crossed Alessandro's face, but it disappeared in a split second. “I already told you, piccolina…somewhere special.”

“When you called, you said we would visit someone who has missed me for a long time,” she probed further. “You said it was someone I loved very much.”

A distant flashback appeared before my eyes and I gulped, nearly spitting my coffee back into the cup. Alessandro’s gentle reassurances from the morning of the accident came back to haunt me with a vengeance. I have such an amazing surprise for you, bella mia…you’re gonna love it. I peered up at him and his features settled into a somber expression. The question formed on my lips, but I didn’t have to ask. His silence was all the answer I needed. Alessandro intended to reunite me and my little sister right before he had the accident. A heavy pressure settled on my chest and it was difficult to breathe.

“Alessandro?” May’s voice sounded in the background as she urged him to reply.

“Piccolina, why don’t you eat your breakfast?” he blurted out as if he was desperate to change the subject.

“Was it Olivia?” May persisted, sounding curious.

Alessandro’s eyes drowned in my shimmering gaze. A soft, barely audible curse crossed his lips. May had him backed into a corner. He had no other choice but to admit the truth. “Yes, piccolina,” he muttered. “It was Olivia. Now, finish your sandwich and we'll talk later, okay?”

Visibly uncomfortable, Alessandro expelled a harsh breath as though upset with himself. I couldn’t make sense of his strange behavior. Why would he want to keep this a secret when it would only work to his advantage? I was about to probe for answers in an indirect manner, but May patted my shoulder. I didn't even realize her attention had shifted from Alessandro to me in a span of a few seconds. Distracted from my baffling thoughts, I glanced at my little sister and smiled. The mysterious birthday visit seemed forgotten, and something else commanded her interest.

“Olivia, can I touch your belly?” she inquired innocently.

“Of course, sweetie,” I whispered and moved my hands out of the way. “Go ahead.”

Her hand leaned against my stomach and she gasped. For a while, she explored the swollen baby bump and I peeked up at Alessandro. He appeared calm and composed yet again, and his lips twisted into a faint smile as he observed the scene in front of him. I followed his lead and decided to save my questions for later. Right now, I wanted to enjoy my time with May.

“Olivia, how did the baby get in there?” she wondered, and raised her chin as though eagerly awaiting a reply.

I reddened to the roots of my hair because I wasn't sure how to answer that. “Well, May, you see—”

“You should ask your Mom,” Alessandro intervened. “She'll gladly tell you all about it.”

“Alessandro,” I warned, blushing even deeper.

“What?” he demanded with a knowing smirk. “Let her bug Trisha for a while. She should have explained it to her years ago. I guess homeschooling isn’t as easy as she originally thought.”

“May's ten,” I reminded him.

“I'm almost eleven,” she interfered.

“And already such a big troublemaker,” Alessandro taunted and May’s cheeks turned red.

“I'm not a troublemaker,” she rebelled. “Mom always says I’m a good girl.”

“Like I've said, your Mom talks way too much,” he retorted in a joking manner, lightening up the mood.

May laughed and threatened, “I'm gonna tell her you said that.”

Alessandro smirked. “Be my guest, but then I'm not taking you to the zoo.”

“You are too,” May argued.

Alessandro shook his head. “No, I'm Copyright 2016 - 2024