Resurrect - Astrid Jane Ray Page 0,191

frightening voice. “Prison or no prison, I will be coming to get you, you motherfucker, and I swear you'll die the slowest and most painful death imaginable. Do you understand?”

Broderick paled as though he was about to wet his pants. “I won't...I won't say a word about her,” he assured Alessandro over and over again in a terrified rant. “I swear I'll tell the truth. It's not her fault. She didn't do anything. I won't fuck up, I promise. Please...please don't kill me.”

Alessandro held the gun against Broderick's temple for a few more moments, and then he put it away at last, wrapping his hand around Broderick's chin.

“Then it's settled. This might just be your lucky day because you're not going to die, Mr. Wyatt.” He gave him a cold, despising look. “You're going to rot in fucking prison.”


The Present

The bitter truth I had learned about Broderick had a very destructive effect on me, and my days went by in a dull, unmotivated slumber. The man whom I had considered my friend and a shoulder to lean on, turned out to be nothing but a liar and a fraud. I'd had my fair share of disappointments in life, but this one had damaged my trust in people to the point of no return.

Alessandro gave me all the time and space I needed, and he didn't ask too many questions. Instead, he offered his silent support. Although I was grateful for his efforts, they had done me very little good. I had spent hours replaying conversations between me and Broderick, and I wondered how I could have been so stupid and gullible. Looking back, I should have doubted his intentions on quite a few instances, but I was so convinced he was being genuine that I blocked it all out and simply trusted him. The immense insecurity and loneliness made me turn to the first man who knew all the right things to say. Without a doubt, Broderick succeeded in projecting the image of a knight in shining armor who would risk everything to save a damsel in distress for no other reason than the sake of his kindness. Stupid. I was so naïve and stupid to fall for that. But now, it was too late. I had to live with the consequences.

Alessandro noticed my state of mind worsened, and suggested flying back to Italy just as he had promised. He insisted the change of scenery might help me cope, but I refused since I was not in the mood to travel. One day, he lost the last of his patience and made me get dressed because he insisted on taking me somewhere. I protested and argued with him, but he was armed with stubborn determination, and I was informed I had no other choice but to go.

He practically forced me to change, then escorted me to the car. I sulked the entire time, letting him know I didn't appreciate him telling me what to do. The smirk on his face told me he knew very well how I felt about this, but he chose not to say a single word. The drive to this mysterious place went by in tension-filled silence. Every now and then, Alessandro's eyes prickled my skin.

“I can tell you're mad at me, Olivia, but you have to understand I couldn't bear seeing you so miserable for another minute,” he stated, and took hold of my hand before I could snatch it away. “You can’t change what happened, tesoro. You have to let it go.”

“Where are you taking me?” I demanded, refusing to acknowledge his remark about Broderick.

“It's a surprise,” he said in a quiet tone.

“What kind of surprise?” I inquired with slight mistrust.

He smirked. “If I told you, it wouldn't be a surprise anymore. It's something I've been meaning to share with you for a while, and now seems to be the perfect time since you’re in desperate need of a distraction.”

“So, it's nothing bad?” I squinted at him.

His gaze held mine for a split second before it returned to the road. “No. It's nothing bad, cara. Hopefully, it's something that will manage to put a smile on your face.”

Alessandro's words were light and reassuring, but his expression was thoughtful and somber. He seemed worried and...almost frightened. It was a silly thought because I couldn’t think of anything that would make Alessandro afraid, and yet, I could almost feel the fear emanating from him in nervous waves. The mystery became all the more confusing.

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