Resurrect - Astrid Jane Ray Page 0,188

out a way that would make him bear the consequences and still stay safe from Alessandro's rage.

“There is,” I whispered. “I know a way he can live and still pay for what he did.”

“Olivia, my men are never going to accept that such a traitor is walking free on the streets,” he warned. “One way or the other, he’s going to get killed. It would be more merciful to end it like this.”

“No,” I protested with determination. “I have a me.”

“Then tell me what it is, tesoro,” Alessandro demanded softly.

“I will tell you,” I promised. “I just want to talk to him first.”

“Olivia, that’s not going to happen,” he refused without giving it a thought. “I will not step away and let him fill your head with nonsense. He knows you’re his only straw of salvation and he’s going to use it.”

“Then you can stay and listen to what he has to say,” I suggested softly. “Please, it's important to me.”

Alessandro ran his hands over his face, then gasped an incredulous smile. “You sure know how to push all my buttons, tesoro. I swear to God, you’re worse than Lorenzo,” he complained, and then his expression softened. “But you’re lucky enough to hold much more appeal and have way more redeeming qualities than him. Fine. If it means that much to you, I will grant you an audience with the bastard. Will that make you happy?”

I nodded with slight relief. “Very.”

“I'm pleased to hear that, piccola.” He extended his arm toward me. “We can return to Lorenzo's bloody circus whenever you're ready.”

With slight hesitation, I accepted his hand and followed him out of the office. The last thing I wanted was to witness the horror again, but I had to do it. When we returned to the vestibule, I refused to glance at Broderick, so I kept my eyes glued on Alessandro's men. Everyone was silent and frozen to the exact same spot where we had left them. Nobody moved an inch. Every single one of them was serious, and kept their heads lowered. Only Lorenzo appeared smug and more self-confident than ever.

“Welcome back, lovebirds,” he taunted. “I was beginning to think you'd make us wait forever. I'm sure exchanging pleasantries with each other can wait for the moment. We don't want to make our guests wait too long, now do we?”

Alessandro exhaled with underlined irritation I recognized all too well. Slowly, he marched to Lorenzo. By the time the other man anticipated what was about to happen, it was too late. Alessandro punched him square in the face. Lorenzo fell back and stared in utter disbelief.

“This is for going against my orders,” Alessandro bit out and hit him again with even more force. “And this is for offending my wife. Consider it a warning. The next time you try to be funny, it’ll cost you your life.”

I stood there, paralyzed and convinced all hell would break loose because Lorenzo would retaliate against Alessandro. But he did no such thing. Instead, he accepted the humiliation, and took a few moments to compose himself. Then, he straightened his suit and regarded me with a mild smile on his bruised face. “I apologize if I’ve taken my jokes too far, Olivia,” he said in a calm, pleasant voice. “It wasn’t my intention to cause offense. Please forgive me. I meant no disrespect.”

Alessandro raised his eyebrows and fixed his gaze on me, as though waiting for something. “Well, tesoro, do you forgive him or would you prefer to see some more sense beaten into him?”

“I forgive him,” I blurted out with stunning speed.

Lorenzo smiled in dull appreciation, and it was the first time I realized he feared his capo. When push came to shove, Alessandro always asserted his dominance and demonstrated who was the real boss. Although, he did harbor a lot more patience toward Lorenzo than the rest of them. Usually, he tolerated his jokes, but it was somehow different when they were directed at me.

“Good,” Alessandro said at last, pointing to Marco and Henry who whimpered in fear. “Now take these two low lives away and do whatever the hell you want with them. The bodyguard stays.”

Lorenzo smirked in disbelief, holding onto his smarting cheek. “What do you mean...the bodyguard stays?”

“I mean it exactly like I fucking said it,” Alessandro raised his voice in sudden fury. “He stays and the rest of you have exactly thirty goddamn seconds to leave before I lose my patience and go berserk.”

Lorenzo gave him Copyright 2016 - 2024