Resurrect - Astrid Jane Ray Page 0,182

dark blue, low waist jeans and a simple white shirt, but somehow he still managed to look absolutely astonishing. Despite myself, I couldn't stop staring. Alessandro also seemed to be unable to look away. Once again, we silently confirmed to each other this mad, dangerous attraction between us couldn’t be broken by anything—even deadly secrets. “It's beautiful,” I offered a belated reply, unsure if I was referring to him or the sunset.

He smiled as though he could read my mind and lowered himself behind me, gently pulling my back against his chest. I didn't object because it didn't feel wrong...It probably should have, but it didn't.

“It never gets old, does it?” he asked softly, disrupting my thoughts.

I nodded and gazed at the sinking shape of the sun. “I'm glad we can still admire it for a few more days.”

Alessandro was silent for a moment, then he exhaled. “I’m sorry to disappoint you, tesoro, but we must leave tomorrow. Something urgent has come up in New York and I cannot leave it to Lorenzo.”

“That's a shame,” I muttered, curling my toes in the warm sand. “I don't really want to go home. I like it here.”

Alessandro sighed. “I always turn out to be an insensitive bastard, don't I? I'll make it up to you, cara. As soon as things are settled, we’re going to fly back. What do you think?”

“I would like that,” I said without looking away from the sun.

“Then it's settled. In the meantime,” his lips leaned against the nape of my neck, and he whispered, “we still have tonight.”

Staring into the distance, I replied with a small nod and simply chose to exist in the moment. Alessandro pulled me closer and his hand gently leaned against my belly, beginning a series of gentle caresses that made me completely relaxed in his embrace. We sat in this position until the sun disappeared from the horizon. The stars lit up the night sky and danced around the full moon. “Look up,” I said quietly. “There are so many stars in the sky.”

Alessandro peered up and smiled. “You're right, cara. It's quite a sight.”

His hand still made circling motions on my belly as both of us observed the sky. Suddenly, the baby made its presence known with a firm kick. My breath hitched from the odd new sensation. Alessandro paused and kept his palm frozen on that very spot where I felt the baby's small feet.

“Tesoro, did you feel that?” His voice rang with excitement, perhaps even pride.

“Yes, I did,” I said with an equal amount of joy. “It feels so strange, but it's amazing.”

“Was this the first time it happened?” Alessandro inquired softly.

“Yes,” I said and gasped as it happened again right where Alessandro rested his hand. “I guess the baby is responding to your presence.” The moment the words were out, I blushed, wondering what on earth possessed me to say something like that.

Alessandro smiled in sheer contentment, inhaling the scent of my hair. He leaned forward to lay a small kiss on my temple, then slowly spun me around. As the moonlight shone on his mesmerizing face, he grasped my hands in his and gazed straight into my eyes. “I would like to think so too, tesoro,” he confessed in a light voice. “I'm really looking forward to seeing that little creature and holding it in my arms. I promise I won't disappoint either of you, Olivia. I will try my hardest to be the most loving father and husband.”

Something heavy squeezed around my chest and I focused on the sea in order to control the growing emotions within me. But Alessandro demanded my attention, and he gently caught my chin between his fingers, willing me to meet his gaze. When I indulged him at last, the shimmering light in his eyes almost made me burst into tears.

“Cara, what is the matter?” he asked with rare vulnerability. “What did I say?”

I shook my head. “It's nothing you said. I just wonder why it couldn't have been like this from the beginning?”

He let out a harsh breath and pulled me into his embrace. “Tell me, piccola, how did you want it to be?”

“You know how I wanted it to be. You've read my diary,” I reminded him without intentional malice, but he was still stung by the remark.

“You must harbor a lot of resentment about that, but I guess I deserve it. It was an asshole thing to do. But I still want to hear it from your own Copyright 2016 - 2024