Resurrect - Astrid Jane Ray Page 0,175

my mouth, I fought to imagine the moment and produce tears, but nothing emerged. I’d been controlling my emotions for so long, but I couldn’t make myself cry at will. Nevertheless, I did look shocked, tormented and genuinely upset. I’d have to hope that would be enough to convince them. But what if it wasn’t enough? What if they become suspicious? It’s not too late…just talk to Broderick and end this madness…the voice of my conscience whispered. But then I remembered those cruel taunting words. Olivia, I’m not the kind of man who appreciates unwanted surprises, so don’t get any ideas in your head, capisci? I don’t desire having children, so naturally you won’t be having any either. My arms instinctively wrapped around my middle and I shuddered at the thought Alessandro might force me to do the unimaginable.

I glanced at my belly and caressed the tiny bump I thought I could already see. No, never! “Don’t you worry about a thing, little one.” My whispers echoed through the acoustic space. “Mommy will protect matter what.”

I expelled another quivering breath, and rinsed my face with cold water. Then, I sauntered toward the door and pushed it open. A strangled scream caught in my throat and I took an instinctive step back at the unexpected sight of Alessandro who stood in the middle of my room, inspecting the cuffs of his charcoal grey suit. My startled reaction made him look up, and his lips twisted into a wide satisfied grin.

“Buongiorno, tesoro…” he murmured in his rich drawl, his eyes roaming over my face. “Surprise.”

“What are you doing here?” I blurted out in an incredulous whisper, then pressed my lips together, shocked by my careless audacity.

Alessandro smiled and regarded me as if he were amused. “Not quite the warm welcome I was hoping for, but you never did strike me as a cheerful morning person…”

Clutching my black silky robe around me, I gulped and gazed at him as if he were a ghost. He had never once visited me in the morning. No, scratch that. He’d never come into my room during the day. Why was he here now? This couldn’t have been a coincidence. What if he knew? What if he heard me in the bathroom? I shuddered and blood drained from my face.

Alessandro’s eyes narrowed on my shrinking form. “Olivia?”

“What do you want?” I stammered and swallowed my apprehension as he stepped closer. I didn’t blink. I didn’t breathe. I didn’t move. I simply stood there, frozen like a statue.

His lips twisted into a charming grin. “Is everything all right? You don’t look so well,” he observed, ignoring my question.

“Everything is fine.” My voice caught on the last word, and I drew in a long breath, evoking peace into my system. “I just…wasn’t expecting you.”

He smirked and took a strand of my hair between his fingers. “I noticed…I can imagine this feels strange to some extent, but I thought we could share breakfast.”

“Breakfast?” I repeated dumbly, looking positively flabbergasted.

“Si, tesoro…you know that meal you eat every single morning to start your day?” he taunted and I actually found myself nodding like an absentminded idiot. “Yes, that one. I thought we could keep each other company while engaging in it.” His voice was sprinkled with playful sarcasm as he gestured toward the desk.

My eyes followed his movement and paused on the tray filled with rich food. Only now I became aware of all the smells and aromas spreading through the room. I blinked a few times, and then something else drew my attention and made me freeze on the spot. The envelope with May’s birthday card was right behind that tray. My eyes widened and my breath hitched at the thought of everything I had written down in that note. If Alessandro read it, all hell would break loose. Our opportunity would be ruined and he wouldn’t let it rest until he got to the bottom of the mystery. Every hair on the back of my neck stood up as I regarded all the possible measures he could take to get me to cooperate. Why did I leave the damn card on the stupid desk?

Alessandro cleared his throat and gazed at me expectantly, but I had no idea what to say to him.

“Thank you, but I’m not hungry,” I uttered in a miserable voice, praying to whichever force above to make him leave, so I could get rid of that card.

But Alessandro had no intention of leaving, and he also Copyright 2016 - 2024