Resurrect - Astrid Jane Ray Page 0,167

a wild cat about to play with its prey, Alessandro cleared his throat. But still, Broderick made no move to leave my side. Instead, he just glared at Alessandro, then peered my way.

Move...Leave...My restless gaze urged him...What are you waiting for? Do you have a death wish?

“Olivia,” Broderick whispered, as if to soothe me.

From the corner of my eye, I saw Alessandro smirk in a mocking manner, and I panicked.

“Leave,” I demanded, as quietly as possible.

Broderick shook his head, remaining as unreasonable as ever.

“Please, don't make him angry.” I tried to get him to leave before it was too late.

“Mr. Matthews, I advise you to listen to my wife's advice,” Alessandro mouthed in a voice that rang with fake pleasantness, revealing he had heard everything I said.

Broderick arched his eyebrows and his muscles flexed in anger. “Mr. Damiani, with all due respect....”

“Don't! Leave!” I formed the silent words on my lips as Broderick observed me vigilantly. “Please.” Leave...just leave before he snaps and does something that will grate on my conscience for as long as I live.

At last, Broderick stood up and marched out of the room, making sure to send that same menacing glare Alessandro's way. He glanced at me one last time and gestured toward the hallway, as though letting me know he would be outside if I needed his help. Then, he honored my request and left me alone with my dangerous and unpredictable husband.

Alessandro gazed after him for a few short moments, appearing amused, then he turned to me. In the beginning, his eyes were frozen on my injured face, but he didn’t make a single move in my direction. “That bodyguard of yours…” Alessandro started, and strolled toward me. “…seems to be taking his job very seriously.”

I became more and more frantic as Alessandro drew closer. His gaze was cold and devoid of any emotion. I was terrified of what he might do.

“Alessandro...he was just worried...he wanted to h-help and...I...I...” Breath froze in my throat as he lowered to my level. I shivered violently, unable to offer any further explanations.

“What did you tell him, Olivia?” he murmured, caressing my unharmed cheek in a slow, bone-chilling gesture.

“Nothing...I said nothing, I s-swear...” I fought to regain my shattered composure, but Alessandro’s threatening presence made it impossible.

“It didn't look like nothing to me,” he said calmly. “A man doesn't get all fired up like this for no reason. If I didn't know better, I would think he was acting like a concerned lover.” He tilted my trembling chin with staggering tenderness, making me face him. “Tell me, that what he is? Is that why he thinks he has the right to poke his nose into our fucking business?”

I gulped, praying for strength to reason with him. “Alessandro, he was just worried when he saw the bruise on my face, so I told him I tripped and fell,” I stuttered, my voice ringing with fear and despair . “That's all. He d-didn't...I w-wouldn't...nothing h-happened...”

“If nothing happened, then why are you so upset?” he demanded in a soft whisper.

“Because you’re s-scaring me...Alessandro, p-please,” I begged even though it wouldn't help me.

Alessandro exhaled and extended his hand toward me. I whimpered, thinking he wanted to hit me again, but all he did was gently tuck the strands of my hair behind my ear. Then, he attempted to assess the bruised part of my face, and I instinctively resisted him.

“Shh,” he whispered in a soothing manner. “I just want to see, piccola. Let me.”

At last, I stilled and surrendered to him.

He stared at my bruise for a few moments, strangely quiet. “Does it hurt?” he inquired softly, after a long break of silence.

I took in a few shallow breaths and forced myself to speak. “A...a little bit.”

He sighed and took me by complete surprise when he reached toward the table and collected the pack of already half-melted ice, leaning it back against my face. “There,” he whispered. “This should make it better.”


“Shh....I believe you,” he interrupted, knowing exactly what I meant to ask. “I believe you, piccola, okay?”

I nodded and closed my eyes, opting to exist in silence while I waited for him to change his demeanor and morph into a monster. I waited and waited for a long time, trying to mentally prepare myself for his cruel games, but nothing happened. Alessandro just gazed at me, holding the ice pack against my bruised cheek. Then, he leaned closer and lifted his arm. My eyes snapped open and I jerked away, Copyright 2016 - 2024