Resurrect - Astrid Jane Ray Page 0,150

and blessed with a second chance in life that eventually made me see things from a very different prospective...your prospective.” He took hold of my hands and placed them between his. “I’ve been acting like a cruel, possessive asshole and I was very selfish during our entire marriage. I’ve totally disregarded your wishes and feelings, but expected you to respond to my own. I pushed you to your breaking point. I see that now. I wasn’t the kind of man you needed me to be, but at the same time, I refused to let you go. You reap what you sow.”

“I'm sorry,” I apologized as a surge of powerful emotions rushed through my system. “I'm really sorry, Alessandro.”

“No...don't be sorry, tesoro,” he murmured in a reassuring tone. “There is a reason for everything. You wanted things to change because you didn't want to bring a baby into a toxic marriage. Plus, you told me you were worried I might insist you get rid of it. Am I right?”

I nodded. “I wanted to escape, but I knew you wouldn't let me.”

“You're damn right I wouldn't let you,” he affirmed and caressed my cheek. “There would be serious consequences if you ever tried to run from me again. You’ve done yourself no small favor when you decided against it.”

“I know,” I confirmed in a barely audible voice. “I couldn't run, but I felt very responsible for the baby. I didn't want to lose it.”

“I can imagine,” Alessandro muttered as his fingers threaded through my hair. “I don't think there is a woman alive that wouldn't crack under that kind of pressure.”

“I was just really frightened when I found out I was pregnant,” I confessed, cradling my stomach again. “I didn't know what to do.”

“And your bodyguard was there to help you?” I tasted the irony in his voice.

In an instant, I was reminded of Alessandro's destructive possessiveness and jealousy, and I was struck by a frightening thought that his mercy might not be extended to Broderick. “Alessandro, please don't hurt him,” I pleaded and clutched his shirt. “It's not his fault. He just wanted—”

“Hush now,” Alessandro interrupted with his hands taking control of my own. “Didn't I tell you to stop stressing? Nobody is going to get hurt, but I want some answers and I expect you to be honest with me. Can you do that, Olivia?”

“Yes. I can.” I was adamant to please him in any way possible. “I'll be honest with you, Alessandro. I'll tell you whatever you want to know.”

“Good,” he murmured, bringing my hands to his mouth for a brief kiss. “Why don't you get ready while I go make breakfast, then we'll talk?”

“Okay,” I agreed, but I couldn’t keep my eyes off him. A small part of me was still on high alert, waiting for him to strike.

He smiled and rose to his feet. “Take your time. I'll be waiting downstairs.”

I nodded and offered him a weak smile. He disappeared out of the room and left me alone. As I took a shower and got dressed, I still couldn't believe Alessandro reacted with so much sympathy and understanding. The fact he’d assured me I had his protection was the last thing I expected from him, especially in light of what I’d done. That familiar little voice of doubt rang in my mind and told me I should be cautious, but he was so tender with me when he could have hurt me without an ounce of mercy. Something inside me wanted to believe he had no hidden intentions...that he merely wanted to make everything better.

I descended the stairs and strolled to the kitchen. Alessandro had coffee and sandwiches on a tray, and he suggested we eat breakfast in his office because there was something he wanted to show me. We ate in silence, then he reached for something in the drawer of his desk. Instead of revealing whatever it was to me, he kept it hidden in his lap.

“There are a lot of things you don't know about me, tesoro,” he started softly. “I never discussed those things with you in the past, but I’m ready to talk about them now.”

“Does it have something to do with your family?” I asked with caution.

“Yes, Olivia,” he confirmed. “The events I want to talk about are very much connected with my family, and they’re not at all pretty. I'm not sure if you can handle it, but I think it’s important to know, so you can understand certain aspects Copyright 2016 - 2024