Resurrect - Astrid Jane Ray Page 0,145

feet, would you, Olivia?”

The taunting comment made me sway and I drowned in tension. If it wasn't for Alessandro's tight grip, I would have fallen to the ground.

“Cristo, cara. It's just a bit of blood,” Alessandro asserted softly as he eased me to my feet. “No need to be so frightened. You'll be fine.”

“I know. You're right,” I said in a quiet, mechanical voice, and turned toward the cutting board when Alessandro reached for my elbow.

“Why don't you go and lie down for a bit and I'll finish up here?” he suggested with a nod around the kitchen.

“No,” I protested quickly. “That's okay.”

But I was already in his arms and he wouldn't listen. Insisting that I needed some peace and quiet, he carried me to the nearby living room and laid my body on the sofa, fetching a cushion that he placed under my head.

“Try to relax, hmm?” he whispered above me. “I'll come and get you when everything's finished.”

I offered a small nod and Alessandro kissed the bridge of my nose before he left the room.

The second he was gone, I got on my feet and stalked to the door, waiting a few moments until he was back in the kitchen. I had to get away and this was my one and only chance. Survival and escape were the only things that mattered. I would figure out the rest later.

Careful not to make a sound, I inched to the front door and prayed it was unlocked. Relief swept over my entire body when I squeezed the handle and the door opened. But the enthusiasm was short-lived because the moment I stepped outside, I came face to face with one of Alessandro's men.

His calculating eyes narrowed on my small, cowering form. “May I ask where you’re going, ma'am?”

I gulped and forced myself to speak. “I...I was going for a short walk.”

“I'm afraid I can't let you do that,” he retorted in an official tone.

“Why not?” I demanded, despite the fact I already knew the answer.

“Orders of Mr. Damiani,” he clarified with a curt nod. “Please get back into the house.”

Weighing my options, I wheeled around and stepped back inside. There was no other choice but to oblige. I couldn’t overpower that huge man, and running was pointless. He'd catch me before I made it to the driveway. I thought about trying the back door that led to the terrace, but I had a feeling I'd receive the same warm welcome.

As I returned to the living room, I remembered how I had once managed to escape through the window. I paused by the door and listened to the thuds and clanks coming from the kitchen. Alessandro seemed to be busy, so there was a slight chance he would search for me soon. Taking in a deep breath, I tiptoed to the window. I opened it with caution and leaned over the windowsill, assessing the height from which I'd have to jump. I swallowed, scared I might break something, but I had no other choice. I could do this, I had to, for the baby’s sake. I jumped up and sat on the edge of the window when a deep voice emerged from the darkness. A large shadow moved in my direction and I faced another one of Alessandro's men. I froze in instant fear as I gazed into those hard, emotionless eyes. He held a large black phone near his lips and muttered something to the person on the other end. Not a word was spoken between us. He just gazed at me with that cutting look and we understood each other perfectly. I could give up or face the consequences.

Letting out a breath of sheer misery, I lowered my body back onto the floor and closed the window, drawing the curtains so I wouldn't have to see the scary man who stood a few feet away. That was it. There was nothing left to do now, but wait for whatever fate Alessandro had intended for me. To make matters worse, I knew those men would tell him I had tried to escape, and it would only add fuel to the undeniable fire of his rage. If I begged him, perhaps he would consider sparing the baby.

“Per meraviglia! What do you think you’re doing, cara?” Alessandro's reprimanding voice sounded behind me.

I shuddered as he approached me. Slowly, I spun around and closed my arms around my middle in a weak attempt to protect myself.

“You’re supposed to be lying down,” he said Copyright 2016 - 2024