Resurrect - Astrid Jane Ray Page 0,138

moment the words were out, I couldn't understand what devil possessed me to say something like that.

But he didn't seem upset or even intrigued. He reacted in the same calm and composed manner. “I'm pretty sure nothing short of the news you were plotting behind my back with my enemies would make me withhold my forgiveness, but I'll let you be the judge of that. After all, you’re the one familiar with the gravity of your offence.”

“I've never plotted against you with your enemies,” I said quietly, omitting to say anything about the gravity of other offences I might have committed against him.

He smiled in that charming, mysterious way. “It would come as a surprise if you were, cara. After all, the fact you’ve taken a bullet to your chest certainly speaks to your advantage, so what have you got to worry about? You haven’t betrayed me, and the baby you carry is mine. I can't think of anything else I wouldn't forgive.”

But I certainly wouldn't appreciate the fact I tried to have you killed.

“You're right, Alessandro.” I was dying to change the subject. “I think I'm just overwhelmed by all of this.”

“Don't be,” he muttered softly. “This is but a little fraction of what I want to give you, Olivia. I'll do whatever it takes to make you realize you’re the most important thing in my life.”

“More important than—”

“Yes,” he interrupted, knowing exactly what I meant to ask. “Nothing comes before us. I won't make that mistake again. Our marriage is sacred and you shouldn't suffer because of what I am.”

“Alessandro, you know you can't do that,” I reprimanded in a soft voice. “Even I know it doesn't work that way. Lorenzo is the first one who will never tolerate such behavior from his superior. He is already upset with some of the things you've done. You would be risking a rebellion.”

He could make all the promises he wanted, but Alessandro would never jeopardize his position as capo. He was too vain and too much of a control freak to ever give up the role of leadership.

But Alessandro merely shrugged, giving the opposite reaction of what I'd predicted. “Cara, I'm willing to take that chance. I'll worry about it when it happens.”

“For me?” I asked incredulously.

“For you,” he confirmed simply.

“Why would you do that?” I requested without bothering to hide my suspicion.

He leaned closer and smiled. “Tesoro, I thought by now you’d surely know.”

I shook my head. “No. I really don't.”

“Then let me explain,” he murmured, his lips nearing mine once again. “Nothing in this whole goddamn world could ever fill the void you manage to fill without even trying. You’re precious to me, Olivia. More precious than anything else and it's past time I swallow my pride and show it. If it means having to lose everything in order to keep you, then so be it. You’re fucking worth it.”


The Present

I opened my eyes and listened to the soothing crash of the waves. Slowly, I sat up and my gaze darted around the huge space. A frown contorted my face. I was alone. Our luggage stood in the middle of the room, but the champagne and candles arranged by the maids were gone. I climbed out of bed and traipsed to the balcony, expecting to see Alessandro, but he wasn’t there. Inhaling a chunk of salty air, I leaned over the railing and observed the clear blue sky and the glistening sea.

Alessandro was right. The view was beautiful in the dark, but it was so incredible in broad daylight that it resembled paradise. A light breeze played with my hair. Gazing into the distance, I thought about the conversation I had with Alessandro the previous night. After reassuring me again he valued me above anything else, he carried me to bed and held me in his embrace until I fell asleep. Like so many times before, he caressed my back and repeated over and over again that everything would change and he would never hurt me again.

And I couldn't deny I took comfort from his words. Hearing them filled my body with warmth. It felt good seeing him humbled and metaphorically on his knees. Somewhere along the way, I grew attached to the man Alessandro claimed he had become after the accident. Nevertheless, that didn't mean I could relax. The fairytale was bound to end, and then I'd be right back in hell.

Taking one last look at the sea, I tiptoed back inside the room and Copyright 2016 - 2024