Resurrect - Astrid Jane Ray Page 0,13


I gaped, mouthing a barely audible thanks as I accepted the box and took out a few tissues to dry my chilled face and neck. His eyes were frozen on me, and I became so painfully aware my soaking wet clothes dripped all over his expensive upholstery. Even though he didn't say a single thing about it, he assessed the mess I had made. If only I could curl up and have the expensive leather swallow me whole. I cringed at the fact I might have caused damage to his car, and quickly plucked a few tissues to wipe the wet spots on my seat, but his hand closed around my wrist.

“Leave it,” he murmured in a rich drawl, and took the box of tissues from my hand, placing it back into the compartment.

Then, he leaned back in his seat and turned to look at me, his gaze pausing on the long wet strands of hair glued to my face.

“Where do you live?”

Once again, I just stared at him. He gave me a charming smile that reminded me of the moment I bumped into him at the restaurant.

“I can hardly take you home if I don't know where it is, can I?”

Forcing my cautious mind into retreat, I found myself giving him my address, and he typed it into his navigation system. Without saying another word, he turned the ignition key and the engine roared to life. As the car rolled into motion, the familiar spicy scent of his cologne claimed the small space, and suddenly I became aware of the energy that emanated from him in powerful waves. This gorgeous man who sat only a few inches away from me, exuded an air of undeniable superiority. Even though he seemed relaxed, I could tell he was in complete control of the situation, and nothing escaped his watchful eyes.

“Do you normally walk by yourself at this time of night?” His tone was terse.

“Only when I'm going home from work,” I replied calmly.

“And how often is that?”

“Almost every night,” I whispered.

He expelled a breath and shook his head, glancing my way. “And how does your boyfriend feel about that? Can't he be bothered to give you a lift?”

I swallowed and blushed, setting my gaze on the road. “I don't have a boyfriend.”

He let the information slide like it held no importance.

“Your parents, then?”

“I don't have anyone to give me a lift,” I said, keeping my eyes frozen ahead.

“You should be more careful,” he said softly. “A beautiful girl like you walking these streets alone in the middle of the night is a disaster waiting to happen. There are lots of dangerous men out there who wouldn't think twice before taking advantage of the situation.”

I expelled a harsh breath, not because of his warning, but because he had called me beautiful. No one had ever called me that before.

“I carry a bottle of pepper spray in my bag,” I offered an explanation to distract my mind from the unexpected things that one simple word made me feel.

“Pepper spray?” He arched his brows and snickered.

I gasped softly.

His features relaxed, then his lips twitched into a light smile. “It's better than nothing, I guess, but in the case of a real threat, it’s useless.”

He sounded like some kind of crime expert, but I didn't engage in a discussion with him. I was well aware of the possible danger, but what choice did I have? I had to work. I had to provide for May. Thankfully, he didn't probe any further, and for the remainder of the ride, he left me in relative peace.

When he parked in front of my house, he gazed at the old ruined walls and asked in a sort of wonder, “This is where you live?”

I nodded, feeling slightly ashamed that this sophisticated, rich man set eyes on my shabby, old house. I was definitely living in the wrong neighborhood. He didn't say anything to shame me, but his eyes were building with slight realization of the reality of my living conditions. Then, that realization turned into something I recognized as pity, and that was the one thing I couldn't stand. I returned his phone, and undid my seatbelt before he said something that would make me feel even more inferior to him.

“Thank you,” I said, and reached for the door handle when he caught my elbow.

“Wait,” he muttered.

I turned around, once again meeting his dark eyes. Some kind of strange vibrations lurked in the air.

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