Resurrect - Astrid Jane Ray Page 0,113

“Come with me, cara. I promise you won't regret it.”

“I'm pregnant,” I said simply, hoping it would deter him from the idea of taking me to Italy.

“The doctor said it was okay to travel long-distance.” He revealed why he stayed behind at the doctor's office. “I wouldn’t ask if I believed it was dangerous for the baby.”

He had a ready-made answer for every possible excuse I could have to reject his proposal. I was fighting a losing battle. But I refused to give in to him so easily. I didn't want him to think I would indulge his every whim. Suddenly, I had this crazy idea. It was risky and there was a slight chance Alessandro would accept. Nevertheless, it was worth a try. I wasn't about to give him what he wanted without at least requesting something in return. I expelled a breath of surrender. “You won't give it up until I agree to go, won't you?”

He shrugged. “I'm a very persistent man, cara.”

“Well, I'm a very stubborn woman,” I challenged.

He downed the remaining of his coffee and smiled. “Yes, I’m beginning to realize that.”

“You really want to make me happy?” I asked bravely.

“Yes, Olivia...I really do,” he said without hesitation.

“Would you do whatever it takes?” I demanded.

“That depends on what that whatever is, but if you demand something within the bounds of my ability, then I wouldn't hesitate to do it.” His knowing gaze met mine. He sensed it wasn't a hypothetical question. “What is it you want, Olivia?”

I took in a deep breath. It was now or never. “I haven't seen my little sister in five years,” I said in a tremulous voice.

Alessandro lost his grin as though taken by surprise, but he composed himself in a split second. “I'm sorry to hear that,” he consoled, pushing his now empty plate to one side. “How old is she?”

“She is ten now,” I whispered through a lump in my throat. “She might not even remember me after all this time.”

He smiled. “I'm pretty sure she remembers you, cara. You’re hard to forget.”

“You forgot me,” I reminded him, my stomach twisting into knots at the idea my sister no longer remembered me.

“Not you, cara.” He smirked with mystery. “Just our marriage. Now, I have a feeling what you want has something to do with your sister. Why don't you just go ahead and say it?”

Tears misted my vision and I closed my eyes, sucking in a deep breath to compose myself. When I opened my eyes again, I met Alessandro's gaze and got to the point. “She lives in the city. Will you take me to her?” I asked bluntly.

“Today?” he sounded like he was taken aback, but he kept a calm composure.

“Today,” I confirmed with a brisk nod. “If you do that, I'll go to Italy with you and I’ll give you another chance.”

His eyes narrowed on mine, and he considered it for a few moments. I expected him to refuse, but then he gave me a charming smile. “No problem, cara. Of course, I'll take you to your little sister.”

“ will?” I asked in total disbelief.

“I don't see why not. You did say she lives in the city?” he asked in a pleasant tone.

“Yes,” I breathed.

“Then I don't see the problem. Today I take you to your little sister and tomorrow we go to Italy,” he muttered in the rich characteristic drawl. “Life is really unpredictable, cara, isn't it?”

Even though the information he intended to travel to Italy on the very next day took me off guard, I kept a cold emotionless expression. The devil always had to be one step ahead. Once he made a deal, he went straight for the kill. But I wouldn't let him see he had gotten to me. “It sure is,” I said, forcing a smile on my face.

I ate the rest of my meal in silence. As we headed outside, those girls ogled Alessandro and watched him leave with longing in their eyes. The moment we were back in the car, Alessandro turned the ignition key and the engine roared to life. We drove for ten minutes without him asking any questions.

I frowned at his strange behavior. “Aren't you going to take me to my little sister?” I probed with slight nervousness.

“Of course.” He looked my way and smiled. “That was the arrangement.”

I stared at him in confusion. “Shouldn't I tell you the address?”

I could have sworn I saw him tense, but it lasted only a short moment so I Copyright 2016 - 2024