Resurrect - Astrid Jane Ray Page 0,104

a sudden move, I flinched and crossed my arms over my face, expecting a blow.

Alessandro froze. “Madre di Dio!” He took hold of my wrists and slowly removed my arms from my face. “What is the meaning of this, cara? You didn't think I would hit you back, did you?”

I shook my head, startled by the look of confusion in his eyes. “I'm sorry. It was just a reflex.”

Some kind of realization was building in his gaze. His lips parted, as if brimming with questions, but he never asked. Instead, he let the issue rest. “No, I’m sorry. I don't know what came over me,” he apologized. “I shouldn't have asked.”

“You're right.” I couldn't help myself. My jaw tightened. “You shouldn't have.”

We were silent for a moment. Alessandro exhaled and smirked in that typical ironic way. “There is something I don't understand...” His eyes narrowed and just when he was about to ask me a question, his phone beeped. He rolled his eyes in annoyance and took it out of his pocket. As he read the message, he cursed in Italian and gave me an apologetic look. “Do you think you can manage on your own today, cara?” he asked. “There is an urgent matter I have to take care of at the club.”

“Of course...”

“I still want to continue this conversation when I come home,” he uncovered, tucking the device back into his pocket. “We have a lot to discuss, Olivia.”

I nodded and offered a tense smile. Discussing the matter with Alessandro was the last thing I wanted. Despite my protests, he carried me to his room and laid me down on the bed. He gave me a small kiss on my temple and told me he wanted to find me there when he came back.

The fact that Alessandro knew about my pregnancy should have made me worried, but I was aware he had been suspecting something for weeks. It was only a matter of time before he found out. Despite my efforts to keep it a secret, something like that couldn't stay hidden from him forever. Besides, there was another issue plaguing my mind.

All afternoon, I fretted over what was going to happen when those police officers returned with a warrant to arrest me for attempted murder. Alessandro would discover everything and would be furious. The only option I had was either going to jail or facing Alessandro's justice that would result in certain death. I rested my hand against my belly, feeling like the worst mother in the universe. I didn't want to be separated from this tiny creature which was my very reason to breathe. I didn't want it to grow up without me. I didn't want to leave it at Alessandro's mercy. Once he found out what I'd done, his fury would extend to that innocent child for no other reason than the fact it carried my blood.

Worry was eating me alive and I decided to tell Broderick what had happened. After searching the entire house, I found him eating in the kitchen. He didn't even lift his head when I entered. It was a clear sign he still acted cautious and official in my presence.

I took a seat across the table from him. “Hi,” I greeted quietly.

“Hi,” he replied, without looking away from his plate.

For a few moments, we were surrounded by awkward silence. “I heard you wanted to resign,” I said at last.

He glanced at me. “I thought it would be for the best.”

“Why? I never wanted you gone, Broderick,” I assured him.

He lifted his head and met my gaze. “My presence only caused you stress. Besides, you don't need my service. You've barely left the house since the accident. If it was up to me, I would be gone, but your husband wouldn't hear of it.”

“Why?” I asked in surprise. “What did he say?”

“He made it clear he didn't like me, but he was willing to put that aside because he knew I was the best man for the job. He even offered me a huge raise.”

“He what?” I blurted out.

Broderick sneered. “He said he'd double my pay and give me anything I requested for as long as I kept in mind not to touch what was his...meaning you. That was his only condition.”

“Did you accept?”

“Your husband can be quite persuasive.” His eyes went distant for a moment. “I don't know what the hell happened to him after the accident, but he seems like a different person. If I didn't know otherwise, I'd Copyright 2016 - 2024