Resisting the Tycoon's Seduction Page 0,39

or Zeke. She was terrified that he might win this one. How could he do that though? She didn’t think he would toss her over his shoulder and stuff her in there. He was too kind and gentle for that.

Wasn’t he?

Zeke brutally suppressed the fear for her safety in order to address her fears as much as possible. But if it came down to protecting her from harm, he would carry her in and strap her down. He kept an eye on his bodyguard who had an earpiece that communicated any threats from the street.

With a patience he didn’t know he had, he stood in front of her and spoke calmly. “It’s a short flight because we’ll be flying over buildings to get to our destination,” he explained as he reached out, easily reaching her even when she tried to twist out of his arms. With his strong arms wrapped around her waist, he felt her shivers and his compassion increased. But his need to protect her from the very real threat of her father overrode the comparably less likely threat of the helicopter crashing. He paid this pilot very well and knew him to be an extremely adept pilot so he had no concerns about taking Marissa in the air in this machine.

At a nod from his bodyguard, Zeke knew he’d just run out of time. One of his guards had seen something on the street and he had to get Marissa out of there. He sincerely regretted what he had to do but…

Marissa wasn’t sure what he was going to do, but she knew enough to be wary of the fire that instantly started in his eyes. “What are you going to …?”

She wasn’t able to finish the sentence because his mouth covered hers. She resisted for all of two seconds, knowing he was only kissing her to distract her. But as soon as he touched her, she was lost to this kiss. She loved the way his mouth made love to hers, the way his tongue touched her lips, demanding entry and, when she gave in, his whole body entered into the seduction.

She was pulled against him, his arms curling her softness against his hard legs and chest. She wanted him instantly and her whimper of desire, of the lust that surged through her arms, legs and her entire being was something she wasn’t sure how to control. She was too inexperienced with this type of passion to fight him. Not that she wanted to, actually. As soon as he’d touched her, she was a willing participant in the kiss.

She was completely unaware of what was happening. She didn’t realize that Zeke had lifted her up, was carrying her with her legs wrapped around his waist, nor was she cognizant of him settling into the seat. She didn’t see the wary look of the pilot as he closed the door, his concern that the two of them weren’t wearing a seatbelt. But he was ordered to take off and fly them as fast as possible to their destination. So he flipped the switches, did his last minute flight check and took off of the roof of the building. The whole time, he focused on his gauges and his flying while Zeke kissed Marissa, touching her in all those places that made her shiver with need, with a desire so intense she was focused only on him and not on the flight.

When they touched down fifteen minutes later, Marissa was aching with the need for Zeke to take this to the next level. So when he pulled back and lifted her back into his arms, she was startled to see that they were at an airport without a tall building or skyscraper in sight. “Where are we?” she asked, trying to gain some control but the trembling was making her aware of the fact that Zeke hadn’t finished what he’d started.

They were walking towards a private jet, a very large one and Marissa looked back, seeing the helicopter flying away once again. She couldn’t believe that Zeke had gotten her through that terrifying ordeal without her even being aware of what was going on around her. How had he done that? Oh, yeah, the kiss. Yes, the man was an excellent lover. She’d known that last night. But now jealousy surged through her for the second time today because she understood that the man had learned so much about making love by being with other women.

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