Rescuing Jenna - Anna Blakely Page 0,76

industrial structure.

When he dug deeper, he discovered the building was originally an assembly plant. Back in the nineties when there was a major rush in the cocaine distribution business, the place had been used as a drug smuggling front.

Since that time, the cartel that had claimed the property as their own had either died off or moved their business elsewhere. Best guess, Adrian and the others assumed Ortiz saw the building’s isolated location and knew it would be the perfect place to keep his hostage.

Except she’s not yours, asshole. And soon…very soon…you’re going to realize what a mistake it was to even think you could touch her.

Hours later—which put the timeline of Jenna’s abduction to well over three days—Ghost finally contacted Ryker with confirmation that Matais and several of his men were spotted at the place where they were headed.

Whoever Ghost’s source was—Adrian didn’t know, and he didn’t care—had also confirmed that an American woman was being held there. A redheaded American woman.

It was all the proof he and the others needed.

Though Ryker was still against Adrian tagging along, he soon realized his vote was outnumbered, six to one. Gabe and the others surprised him by falling in line with the idea that he be the one to go in after Jenna.

After all, it was his head Matais wanted. Plus, the man had been pretty clear that no one else be seen but him.

Knowing there really was no other choice but to let him face off with Ortiz, Ryker showed his concession by phoning the pilot and letting him know to have the private jet fueled and ready for a trip to Colombia.

They finally went airborne just under two hours ago.

The plan was simple. He’d go in early with the hopes of finding Jenna before Ortiz found him. Once she was safe, he and the others would rain hell down on Ortiz and his men.

On the chance that Ortiz crossed his path before he found Jenna, he’d pretend to hand himself over and hopefully buy enough time for the others to get inside and get both he and Jenna out.

Ryker had a chopper waiting somewhere close on standby. Along with the Homeland agent, he, Jenna, and the members of Bravo would use that for their extraction while Ghost and his team would trek back to the van that would be waiting at the pick-up spot.

Apparently, Delta had another op they needed to join ASAP, and the flight back to the States was in the wrong direction.

How Ryker always managed to arrange shit like this in places like this was beyond Adrian’s paygrade. All he needed to know was that the chopper would be there when they needed it, and not a second before.

Adrian had given Ortiz his word no one else would be seen on the property. And they wouldn’t.

What they would see—the very last thing the bastards would ever see—would be Bravo’s and Delta’s bullets heading straight for their heads.

Until then, he was stuck in this cracker-jack jet cruising at forty-one thousand feet with nothing to do but fucking think.

About how he’d fucked up.

About all the ways he wanted to make Ortiz pay for what he’d done.

About never having the future with Jenna he’d only just begun to imagine.

“I get what you’re doing.” Gabe broke the silence, tearing him away from his own, private pity party.

“Yeah?” Adrian sighed before turning to the other man. “What’s that?”

“You’re blaming yourself for what’s happened. Making a list of all the ways you screwed up and beating your own ass for it.”

Pretty damn close, but that didn’t mean Adrian wanted to have a heart-to-heart about it.

“Did you need something, Dawson? ’Cause if not, I’m pretty sure your seat’s over there.” He pointed to the front of the plane.

Adrian knew he was being an ungrateful asshole, but if he revealed his true emotions—the anger, fear, and self-loathing threatening to consume him—he’d wind up breaking down like a fucking baby.

And that was something he would never do. Especially not in front of these guys.

“You don’t want to talk, that’s fine. I get it.” Gabe pushed himself to his feet. “But you know what Jenna means to me and Elle. And I know a little about what you’re going through. So all bullshit aside, you wanna talk, I’m happy to listen.”

Sliding his gaze back to the window, Adrian prayed the other man couldn’t see how much his supportive words affected him. He held his breath, waiting until Gabe turned his back before swallowing the painful lump Copyright 2016 - 2024