Rescuing Jenna - Anna Blakely Page 0,74

her as bait?” Matt asked matter-of-factly.

Adrian took a step toward the other guy, but Ryker stopped him with a hand to his chest.

“All right, so we’re looking at a timeframe of about, what. Two or three months, tops?”

Adrian nodded. “Give or take.”

“So if Ortiz did have someone watching you back then, would they have been able to conclude that you cared for Jenna?”

He hesitated only a second before nodding a second time.

Ryker tipped his chin. “I’d say that’s a solid theory, then.”

A theory that provided even more confirmation of his colossal fuck-up.

He’d let his guard down. Focused on something he wanted for a change. As a result, he’d lead the bastards to Jenna.

Right. Fucking. To. Her.

“The hows don’t really matter at this point, do they?” Zade pointed out. “Our focus should be on confirming the person who took Jenna and finding out where the hell they are so we can go in and get her.”

Seemingly apprehensive, Ryker said, “I already have a team looking.”

“What?” Adrian was seriously considering asking Gabe for his gun again. “What do you mean? What team?”

“The same Delta Force team that worked with Bravo to get you and Ellena back.”

“Ghost?” Nate spoke up next. “I mean, not that it’s much of a surprise. Those guys always have our backs.”

They sure did. Adrian had been forced to work damn hard on multiple occasions in order to avoid being captured by Bravo and the Delta team in question.

If he hadn’t known any better, he would’ve thought the two teams were one. As it stood, the two groups were a united front, both working for the greater good.

“Not to sound like a broken record”—Adrian looked at Ryker—“but why are we just now hearing about this?”

“Because I only just sent Delta down there this morning.”

“Down where?”


Several men in the room grumbled their dislike for the South American country. It didn’t seem as if any of them had ever had a good experience there.

Join the fucking club.

“I didn’t say anything at first because all I have to go on so far is a tip by a local asset we’ve used in the past. Knowing how important this op is, I wanted to wait for Ghost to get back with me. He’s supposed to confirm he’s actually at the suspected location, as well as trying to find out whether or not Jenna really is there.”

“Just like they did for us when Elle was taken,” Gabe muttered low.

“Precisely,” Ryker confirmed. “Once we’ve nailed down Ortiz’s location and that he’s with your girl, those guys will move in and—”

“The fuck they will.” Adrian limped toward the other man again. “If Jenna’s there, I’m going in.”

Ryker’s gaze fell to his wounded leg before rising back up. “And what do you intend to do, limp your way past his guards? Use your damn head, Adrian. You’re injured. I know you’re used to going balls to the wall with stuff like this, but there’s no shame in sitting this one out.”

“This isn’t up for discussion, Jason. I’m going. And since you so beautifully pointed out already, I no longer work for you. That means I don’t have to ask for your blessing.”

“You can’t be serious,” the Homeland agent scoffed.

Adrian’s determined gaze lasered in on the other man’s when he said, “As a fucking heart attack.”

Ryker started to argue further when the burner phone began to ring. Putting a sudden halt to the conversation, all eyes went to the device still lying next to Nate’s computer.

Adrian snatched it off the table and answered it, putting it on speaker for everyone to hear.

“Who the hell is this?”

A smug, accented voice came through the phone. “Am I finally speaking to the infamous Adrian Walker?”

“Yeah, asshole.” A muscle in his jaw twitched. “I’m Walker. Your turn to share.”

“You don’t know? I assumed my father’s ring would have given you the answer.”


Adrian shared a look with the other men. “Matais Ortiz. Cesar’s hidden gem.”

The man chuckled. “My father had to hide me because he knew monsters like you existed.”

“Oh, I’m the monster?” Adrian squeezed the phone. “I’m not the bastard who kidnapped and beat an innocent woman!”

“No. You’re the bastard who tortured my father to death.”

“Your father’s men took my sister off the streets so he could use her for his own fucked up pleasure. Then he killed her and tossed her away like a piece of garbage.”

“My father was a brilliant businessman who built an empire out of nothing.”

“Your father was a sick, perverted freak,” Adrian hissed. “I enjoyed every single Copyright 2016 - 2024