Reno's Journey - Sable Hunter Page 0,6


“Yea, I bet you would. You love that kind of stuff, don’t you? Always have. Do you still sleep with Reno’s picture under your pillow?”

Yes. “No.” After a moment of hearing her aunt hum a little tune of disbelief, she added another answer. “Maybe.”

“At least he’ll never let you down.”

Seeing her order arrive in the arms of a teenager with a mouth full of braces, she mumbled to her aunt. “Hold on again. My burger is here.”

After a few moments of silence, Myra spoke up. “I’m still here.”

“I know. I was just putting my straw in my drink.” She started the motor. “Look, I’m sorry about Uncles Myles, but I’m looking forward to being home again. I’ll take care of everything – you don’t have to worry.”

“Are you sure? I don’t want to put you out.”

Journey shook her head at her aunt’s change of tune. “It’ll be fine. I’ll pack up my little jars and oils. If I run out of something, I’ll just drive back and get it. After all, you’re just over an hour away. No big deal.”

“True. Plus, there’s always Amazon.”

“Okay.” Journey tapped the steering wheel with one baby pink fingernail. “I’m going to go and start packing. I’ll see you in about forty hours, give or take – and I love you.”

“Love you too, sweetheart – and thanks.”

“Bye, Aunt Myra.” She pressed the end button and let out a moan of frustration. “Why am I upset?” Because she was – her stomach was all pinched up into a knot. Picking up her drink, she took a sip as she stopped at a red light. “Okay. Let’s figure this out.” Did Casey cancelling their date upset her?

Well – it hadn’t felt good. Rejection never did.

“But I’m not that invested in him.”


After six years of dating – she hadn’t found anyone she could become ‘invested’ in.

“Maybe that’s why you’re upset, Sojourner Stanton. No man you’ve ever dated has measured up to Reno Black.” The light changed and she stepped on the gas so hard her car lurched forward and she had to apply the brake. She knew it was probably unhealthy, but she’d created this world in her head.

All she had to do was close her eyes and let her imagination take over.

Like watching an old movie reel, she could see young Saul Stanton open the door of the old log cabin as snow swirled and a cold wind howled like a banshee. By the light of the moon, he would find Reno standing tall in his black hat and duster, holding high a wild turkey he’d bagged for their supper. Like the journal said, he told the kids not to worry, he’d never let them go hungry.

Or…the time they were about to lose their land and Reno went with Saul to the bank and placed a sack of gold nuggets in front of the banker. Paid in full. Call off your henchmen. The Stanton family get to keep their home.

Journey’s fingers tightened around the steering wheel. “He was larger than life.”

She’d never admit it to anyone, but her thoughts didn’t remain with what was recorded in the journal. No, she imagined herself in the picture too. How it would’ve been if they met. If they touched. If they…

“Stop it. You’re driving yourself bonkers.”

With a heartfelt sigh, she reached into her purse and took out her wallet. Opening it, she took a quick glance at his features. A quick glance was all she needed; she’d memorized his face long ago.

“What does it say about me, Reno? That I’d rather spend time with you in my dreams than with any real live guy I know?”


Reno – 1869

Riding along the rocky path, Reno scanned the horizon, searching for a glimmer of a campfire. The night was chilly, he didn’t like to think of Ela Blue being cold. “Easy, Traveler.” He pulled up on the reins as a rock skittered beneath the stallion’s feet. “We’re not in a hurry.” Reaching behind him, he made sure the saddlebag of staples was still riding safely.

Lifting his head, he enjoyed the wind on his face. The stars were out, and the moon was almost full. A beautiful clear night, so unlike the night when he first found his friend.

Rather, when she found him.

Seemed like he’d known Ela Blue for more than seven months. As he rode, his mind wandered back to the night they met. He smiled as he remembered how hard it had rained, a real gully washer…

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