Reno's Journey - Sable Hunter Page 0,47

along in Journey’s car, Reno kept his eye on the horizon. From the first glimpse of Packsaddle Mountain in the far distance, his heartrate accelerated. Part of him knew that King’s Ransom, as he knew it so well – was no more. There was no way that King’s log house and Fancy’s flowers, the bunkhouse where he slept at night, the homes where his friends lived…there was no way those things existed in the same world where long, narrow ships sailed through the air on stationary wings, and horseless carriages raced down ribbons of road faster than a steam powered locomotive. Still and all, as Clay was fond of saying, he held out hope. He couldn’t take anybody’s word for it, Reno needed to see for himself.

“This is a gorgeous part of the state.” Journey admired the beauty of the rich pastureland, the rolling hills, and the rock formation that made Packsaddle Mountain so distinctive. As she neared the turn-off, her eye was drawn to something else that might interest Reno. “Look, there’s a historical marker.”

“A what?”

“The state puts up markers engraved with descriptions of historical events.”

“Stop. Please.”

She pulled off the road and into the circular drive next to the concrete monument. Reno replaced his hat, then fumbled for the handle until Journey released her seat belt and stretched over to open the door for him.

“Thanks.” He stepped out and strolled over to the marker. The year 1936 was inscribed as the date the monument was erected. Reno stared at that number and the few sentences etched in stone.

In a battle fought August 4, 1873, Captain J. R. Moss, Stephen B. Moss, William B. Moss, Eli Lloyd, Arch Martin, Pink Ayers, E. D. Harrington and Robert Brown routed a band of Indians thrice their number. The last Indian battle in this region.

Reno read the inscription three times. Finding something permanent like this and seeing how aged it appeared gave him chill bumps.

“Did you know any of those people?”

Journey’s soft question was almost his undoing. “You have such faith that my outlandish story is true.”

“That you’re from the past?”

“Yes.” A thought occurred to him. Reno didn’t know why he hadn’t thought to ask it before. “Does this happen often?”

The breeze picked up and she pushed her hair from her face so she could see him clearly. “Does what happen often?”

“A person showing up from another time.”

“Only in the movies.” When he appeared confused, she felt contrite. “Time travel is something people like to imagine, but as far as I know it’s just a myth…” Journey realized what she’d just said. “Until you. I mean, you’re here. As far as it ever happening to anyone before – I have no idea.”

He looked back at the marker, his shoulders bowing slightly. “Yet, you accepted my presence so easily.”

“I fainted.”

He chuckled at the remembrance. “Yes, you did. Yet, you did accept the fact a helluva lot easier than I would have. If the tables were turned and you sashayed into my life one day and told me you were from the future...” He cut his eyes to glance at her. “I wouldn’t have believed you.”

“Even in these clothes?” She nudged his arm with her shoulder.

Reno found himself chuckling. Stealing a peek at her mile-long shapely legs, he cleared his throat and coughed. “Well, I might have thought you were a scarlet lady from a saloon, but they usually wear frillier outfits. And show a lot less skin.”

She whacked him playfully on the shoulder and Reno found himself leaning into her. He enjoyed the familiar way she treated him.

“These are not short-shorts, I have you know. Compared to some, I’m dressed modestly!”

“Oh, yea. I believe you.” Reno laughed out loud. “How about the way I’m dressed? Did that tip you off?”

Feeling comfortable with him, she hooked her arm through his, ignoring his sharp intake of breath. If he pulled away from her, she’d just die – but he didn’t. “You forget something, Reno.”

“What’s that?”

“I knew you from the first moment I laid eyes on you.” She probably shouldn’t tell him this, but she found she couldn’t stop speaking. “I’ve slept with your picture under my pillow since I was thirteen years old. Like I told you last night, I’ve been imagining scenarios where I miraculously waltz into your life…or you walk into mine for over ten years. So, when you did… it just felt right.”

Reno couldn’t look away from her beautiful face. Her gaze melted into his. He leaned closer; his lips hungry for hers.

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