Reno's Journey - Sable Hunter Page 0,38

asking a million questions and none of the answers made sense.

“I’ll show you.” Rising, she hurried from the room and returned with the tintype, holding it out to him.

With a shaking hand, Reno took the picture. It looked the same…but different. Older. “I gave this to Saul today. How did you get it?”

Journey didn’t answer right away. Instead, she sat down and reached for his hand. “You feel real.” She moved her thumb over his palm, letting her fingers interlace with his.

Reno barked a laugh. “Hell, of course I’m real. As real as they come.”

“I know, that’s the amazing part.” Before he could protest again, she began to speak. “In Saul’s journal, he recorded that the night you led the raiders away from the cabin – you disappeared. You never came home.”

Once more he jumped up, moving in a circle, as if he didn’t know which way to turn. “I have to make sure Clay and the kids are okay – then I’ve got to get to Waco. I need to help Cole.”

“Cole. Your brother.”

Every word she said seemed to send a fresh set of shockwaves straight at him. “Yes. How did you know?” He shook his head. “Don’t answer that. I’ve got to go.” After taking two steps he stopped, seemingly reluctant to leave. “Do you feel well?”

She was shocked. Stunned. Elated. Confused. “Yea, I’m okay.”

“And you’re safe?”

“The police said they’d let me know about the men who were threatening me.” A pain pierced her heart. He was asking these questions because he was about to walk out of her life. She couldn’t explain the urgency she felt to stop him. Reaching out, she took him by the arm. “Don’t go. Please.”

Reno didn’t pull away, he just looked deep into her eyes. “Saying no to you seems to be very difficult for me.”

“Then…don’t.” Journey wanted to tell him how she felt. How she’d longed for him. Dreamed about him. A nervous giggle escaped from her lips. If she was that honest, he’d head for the hills for sure. “Stay.”

Reno exhaled wearily. “As much as I’d like to,” he muttered gently, “I can’t. I have…responsibilities. I need to go to the cabin. I need to make sure the raiders didn’t find Clay and the kids.”

“They didn’t, but I understand.” Journey knew he needed more reassurance than she could give him. “You need to go, and I need to go with you. I’ll saddle up one of the horses and come along.” There was no way she was letting him just ride out of her life.

“No.” He shook his head emphatically. “You’re safe here.”

“I’m safer with you.” She insisted with no doubt in her mind. “Besides, you might get lost.” Reno rolled his eyes, which made Journey laugh out loud.

“Me? Lost?” He walked to the window where he could see the pink granite dome in the distance. The moonlight gave the mountain a luminous quality. “As long as I can see Enchanted Rock, I know where I am.”

“Let me change shoes.” She took off to find her boots, calling over her shoulder. “It won’t take but a second.”

“Journey!” He slammed his hat on his head. “You’re making me dizzy.”

“I am?” Journey came back into the kitchen, then plopped down on the barstool to change shoes. “Is that a good thing?”

“Lord, if I know.” With a gentle hand, he reached up to tuck a lock of her hair behind her ear. “What am I going to do with you?” A tender feeling made his heart ache. If only he’d met her at another time.

Journey said nothing. She could make a few suggestions. “I don’t know.”

“Are you sure about this? I’m riding to Saul’s cabin, then on to the home of my friend, Ela Blue. I don’t have time to escort you back here.”

Ela Blue. Journey thought for a second. That name seemed familiar, but she couldn’t remember why. “Wait a minute. When you were bringing me home, I thought you said we were riding in the same direction as Saul’s cabin.”

“I did say that.” He looked even more confused.

She took him by the arm. “Don’t you see? That makes perfect sense. My great-aunt always said this house was built in the exact place where Saul’s cabin used to sit long ago.”

“What you’re saying is impossible.” Reno walked to the window, as if the familiar sight of Enchanted Rock would anchor him. “I rode away from the cabin just hours ago.”

“I know it sounds strange, but something amazing has happened.” She stood just Copyright 2016 - 2024