Reno's Journey - Sable Hunter Page 0,246

to protect my husband and possibly lose my child? Which scenario has the highest chance of coming true?”

Kota lifted his head to meet Journey’s gaze. “I have come to love you like a granddaughter, Journey. The advice I am about to give you could end up hurting you. Do you know how much I hate that fact?”

“I know.” Journey stood to put her arms around the old man. “And I love you for feeling that way. Please, just be honest with me. If something goes wrong, just know that I forgave you long before it happened.”

He reached up to pat her hand lying on his shoulder. “If a choice must be made, you would have a better chance of going through the stone safely than Reno would.”

Journey kissed him on the cheek. “Thank you. That’s what I thought, but I needed your confirmation.”

“Hold up, there’s a problem.”

Both Kota and Journey turned their attention to Lou.

“Don’t you see? There’s no way you can get word to Reno to tell him your plans. What’s to stop him from going through the stone? What will happen? You’d just pass one another like ships in the night. You could end up there and he could end up God knows where.”

Journey sank to her chair, despair overtaking her. “She’s right.”

Kota breathed heavily. “Reno will not give up. He’ll go through the stone regardless of what you’re planning, Journey.”

For the space of about ninety seconds there was silence around the table. Finally, Journey faced her best friend. “Lou, you’re the smartest person I know. If anyone can come up with a solution to this problem, I know you can. Do this for me? Please?”

Lou looked stricken. She turned to Kota. “Is there a solution?”

He shook his head. “I don’t know. Maybe.”

“I know you can do it, Lou. Please say you’ll try.”

Journey’s plea seemed to galvanize her friend. Lou began to nod her head, light coming into her eyes. “We’ll do our best. Give us a little time to think. If there’s an answer to this riddle, Kota and I will find one.”

“I know you will.” Journey gave her friends a tremulous smile. “I’m so lucky to have the two of you. You’ll never know what you mean to me.”

Kota stood to his feet, his bones creaking. “Since she’s included me in this impossible quest, I’d advise you to save your gratitude until we figure out what this miracle might be.”


Desperately needing something to do, Journey gave a thorough cleaning to Myra’s house. When her aunt returned from her hair appointment, she would be very pleased. As Journey mopped and dusted, she tried not to worry about whether her friends would come up with an answer or not. She decided to lean heavily on that faith they always talked about so much. So far, she hadn’t told Aunt Myra the news, she was waiting to hear from Lou and Kota.

“Okay, you two have got to move.” She nudged the kittens out of the way with the broom as they slept on the warm sunroom floor. “Reno would love to see how big you’ve grown. I wish I could take you with me, but I think that would be pushing it.” She could just imagine trying to hide them under her coat and the little rascals getting all panicky and scratchy. “We might all end up veering off course to Timbuktu.”

While considering her journey, a thrill of excitement coursed through her. Funny, she wasn’t afraid at all. Maybe a little nervous, but not much. The thought of seeing Reno again swept every fear away.

Once she finished the housework, Journey hit the kitchen. She’d made a list of dishes she wanted to prepare and eat, things she might not be able to find where she was going. While digging through the refrigerator, she mumbled the menu to herself, “Avocado toast, crab cakes, Thai noodles, and Jell-O, of course. A very eclectic mix.”

After placing all the ingredients on the counter, Journey began the process. She planned on preparing enough for Lou and her aunt if they hurried home. As she worked, a funny thought hit her. “I bet these are cravings, little one.” She gave her tiny baby bump a gentle pat. “No one else might find these foods as appetizing as I do.”

“Who are you talking to?”

Lou’s voice made her jump. “The baby. Who else? Are you hungry? I’m making avocado toast.” To gauge her friend’s reaction, she turned to face Lou. When she did, Journey saw the Copyright 2016 - 2024